Ch. 50 Hotel Rooms

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Dani's POV
He doesn't say anything. It hurts. It really does. Which means I have to do something equally as hurtful. I look over at a guy who's been eye fucking me this entire time. I look back at Joe and raise an eyebrow.

I go up to the guy and whisper something seductive in his ear. His hand grips on my sides. Joe pulls me away from him. "Stop it." "You stop it." I spat back. The guy just walks off. Joe and I just stare at each other.

He grabs my face and kisses me. Hard. Passionate. Longingly. Something we have both craved for. His lips were a drug to me, I couldn't get enough. I just wanted more, every second. He pulls away, his hands still on my face. "I love you, you idiot. No one can have you." he finally says. Kissing me again.

I wake up with my arms around a body. (Dani: big spoon. Joe: little spoon)

doesn't really look like them but

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doesn't really look like them but

I smile as I realize it's Joe. I kiss the back of his neck while trailing my finger up and down his spine.

"you're giving me chills." his raspy voice soothes my ears. He turns over, his hand places on my back and pulls me closer to him.

"Make up sex is the best sex." he says still with his eyes closed and I laugh, pushing his chest. He starts to laugh too. "I've missed your laugh." he says stretching out. "I did not miss your morning stretches." I say whacking his arm away from almost hitting my head. He lets out a chuckle. "Sorry love."

I place a kiss on his lips. He's all mine again. I think.

I sit up and put a shirt on over my bare body. "So um.. are we.." I say not finishing my sentence. Joe walks around to face me. He's only in his boxers. I check him out real quick.

He picks my chin up so my eyes are locked with his, then kissing me. "I hope this means we're back together." he says. I smirk at him then tug on the top of his boxers. looking up at him. He smirks at me, picking me up then throwing me on the bed as he crawls on top of me.

We spent half the day 'making up' in his hotel room. We don't have meet ups till tomorrow so I'm totally okay with staying in this bed all day with him. We put everything that happened during our break up behind us and carried on.

I can't wait to tell Finn, Tyler, Zoe. I think they have an idea of where I'm at though.

We caught up on a lot of editing as well which was very helpful. I never want to be without this boy.

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