Ch. 34 Cold Hands

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I get home around 6 ish. I hear Joe and Caspar in Joe's room. I walk in and see Joe sitting on the bed and Caspar setting up the camera, so I guess they're about to film.

"Hey love." Joe says standing up and giving me a soft peck. "Gross." Caspar says and I laugh. "you guys filming?" I ask. "Yeah about to. How was your day with Louise?" Joe asks sitting on the bed and I go and sit in his chair so I can watch them.

"Yeah it was good. We got to see Zoe as well. She had a meeting around there and yeah."

"Alright it's recording." Caspar says and goes and sits next to Joe.

I let them be their funny selfs as I sat on my phone, going through Instagram. I get a text from Louise which makes my phone vibrate and Caspar and Joe look at me.

"Was that your phone?" Joe asks being all serious.

I let out a laugh "Sorry"

"Nope give it here." he says being all serious but I laugh even more. "I'm not having it, come on. Taking your phone away."

Caspar starts chuckling. "You're so cute when you're mad, Joe." I say giggling.

He starts smiling, annoyed because he broke his seriousness. Caspar and I laugh even more. "Piss off." (image above)

I put my phone on silent and they continue their videos with a lot of laughs and such. Louise and I have been texting, just about random things and such, but we're talking about something Joe and I could do tomorrow. One of the ideas is just have a walk through London.

Not the crazy part of town, but there's a pond and grassy areas for us to walk around, where it isn't so busy.

Later that night after dinner Caspar stays over and Joe and I are getting ready for bed. "Babe feel my hands." I say sticking my hands up Joe's shirt, on his stomach. He immediately flinches and backs up. "Jesus, your hands are so cold." he says taking my hands, squeezing them. "I know." I laugh.

He sits down on the bed and I tell Joe about the idea Louise gave me. "So could we?" I ask giving him the 'puppy dog face' he rolls his eyes, but smiles. "Alright alright. I think it might be cold tomorrow though." He says. I smile and straddle him. "oh well since it's cold I guess we just shouldn't go then. It's such a life changing thing that we can't go out. Sorry Joe." I say sarcastically and he just playfully rolls his eyes while chuckling a bit.

"oh shut up." he says putting his hands on my cheeks, I back up. "Your hands are cold too!" he laughs and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

Yes I took that "give me your phone" and "you're so cute when your mad" part from a video Joe and Caspar did with Josh watching. Thought it would be cute. I also do and will be doing that a lot. I take things that actually happened on video, but just change it into a cute Doe/Jani moment. So yeah :)

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