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Dani's POV
My mom and I were watching some TV when I hear the door open. "Hi honey!" she yells standing up. I turn around to see the same guy who only wants her for her money.

"What the hell-"
"Oh Dani, you remember John?"
"yeah I remember him, I also remember him leaving bruises on your body. what the hell is he doing here?" I say angry looking at him and then back at my mom. "I live here. what's your excuse?" he says going to the fridge and grabbing a beer.

"John I told you she was gonna stay the weekend." he huffs then goes and sits on the couch drinking his beer and changing the channel.

"Mom! what the hell! he hit you!" I whisper yell to her. "Honey it's okay. We're a lot better now." I can tell she's been drinking. I roll my eyes and go to the guest room where I was staying and check my phone which was charging.

Messages from Joe. Messages from Tyler Zoe and Troye. Just saying they miss me so I text them back but not Joe. As much as I want to talk to him, I don't let myself. Troye and Tyler know about my mom and John. I don't tell them John is here because I know they would want me to come back.

Troye's POV next day
Im in Zoe and Alfie's room watching them film with Joe as me and Tyler sit behind the camera watching them. I've been texting Dani when all of a sudden she sends something strange. "Hrp" I laugh at it, she must be too busy playing a video game so I just decide to step out of the room to call her, I missed her anyway.

"Troye?" she answers, her voice is shaky and kind of quiet and it sounds like she's out of breath. Confused I put my hand over my other ear so I can hear her better. "Dani? you alright?"
"It's John, he's-" I hear her scream then the phone hangs up.

I immediately remember what Dani told me about John and a rush of concern comes over me and I run into the room. "Dani's in trouble!"

Joe's POV
"Dani's in trouble!" Troye shouts opening the door wide. My heart felt as if it's just jump out of my chest. "What?" I managed to say. Troye starts explaining what happened on the phone. "oh my god.. we need to go there. now!" I yell panicking.

"Zoe no! stay here!" I hear Alfie yell. "No! I need to come!" I stop her before she runs out of the room, "No it could be dangerous stay here with Tyler and Troye." without arguing I leave and get Caspar to come with Alfie and I.

on the ride there I was too anxious. My palms were sweaty and I felt like I was going to vomit.

We rushed in the house, the first thing we see is Dani's phone in pieces on the ground. I hear some noises from one of the rooms. I instantly run to the door trying to break it down. With the help of Caspar and Alfie it finally broke down.

I see Dani laying there, My heart stops and my body becomes weak.

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