ch. 12 Ignorance

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Dani's POV
"Joe I saw you. I saw her take you upstairs and close the door behind you two. It obviously wasn't just a friendly conversation if it had to be in your room, door shut, lights off." a wave of heat rushed through my body as I finally confronted him about it.

"that never happened, I don't remember that at all." Is all he managed to say, but I knew he was lying. I rolled my eyes at him. "whatever. talk to me when you're ready to admit it." I storm off back into Troye's room.

"he didn't even admit it!" I yelled as I explained what happened to him and Tyler. "that can't be right, he wouldn't-" "I know I know he wouldn't do that, that's what everyone is saying but guess what? he did!" I cut Tyler off, as I fell onto his bed with my hands over my face.

"Seriously Dani, it must be a mistake. Maybe he was drunk and that's why he can't remember." Troye says. "Yeah but that's still no excuse. " someone knocks on the door and Tyler goes to open it.

of course it's Joe. "Dani, please can we talk?" I get up and go to the door "Are you going to admit what you did?"
"I don't remember what happened Dani, please."
I immediately shut the door in his face.

"Anyway let's go swimming, We still have yet to go swimming in our amazing pool!" I say all excited trying to move on from what just happened.

We're all outside chilling by the pool, some swimming, some not. Zoe Alfie Tyler and i are playing Marco Polo whilst swimming and right now Zoe is it. Alfie and I are in one of the corners when he asks me "So, Joe?" I reply with "Joe who?" and I flash a smile before swimming away. I'm not talking about or to Joe until he at least admits what he did was terrible.

Of course while swimming Joe has tried getting my attention but I just ignore him.

Later that night most of us go out for dinner. Zalfie Marcus Louise Jaspar Troyler and I. (ship names are easier) we all sit down and Joe sits across from me. "Dani, please talk to me." he says.
"I think I might do a pizza, what do you think Zoe?" she giggles seeing what I was doing and agrees. Joe gets up and announces he's taking a taxi back to the place. I watch him leave. A part of me feels bad, a part of me doesn't.

Joe's POV
I'm tired of Dani ignoring me. I honestly don't remember what happened, I need to make this right.

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