Ch. 53 Distant Looks

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Found this gorgeous girl on my TL of twitter, thought I would put a face to the name that is, Dani. (: Also, don't know who the girl is/:

I'm joking! Calm down." he lets out a chuckle but I hit his arm. "Don't do that." I say more serious. He sits next to me, slipping his hand back in mine. "Sorry." I lean my head on his shoulder.

"I don't think Finn meant to yell at you, like that." he speaks up. "I think he was just upset about you leaving, and then got even more upset thinking about Jack."  that does make sense. "Yeah you're probably right. I just.. never seen him that way." I look at Joe, he shrugs. Then stands up taking my hand, standing me up as well. "Come on." he walks me back inside.

I decided to just stay away from Finn the rest of the time we were here. I would always catch him looking at me, but never said anything.

Finn's POV
"Just go talk to her!" Zoe says as I stare at Dani who's talking with some other people. "I cant." I say looking at Zoe, brushing off the fact that she just caught me staring at Dani.

Zoe rolls her eyes. "You can, you just won't." I do miss Dani. I haven't spoken to her in about 5 days and we leave tomorrow. I am debating on going back to England with Jack. I just don't know though.

I'm not afraid to talk to her or anything. Just afraid that she won't forgive me for the way I acted.

I just walk away.

Joe's POV
It was Dani, Tyler, Dan, Phil, Caspar and I all talking when I notice Dani staring at Finn. I've caught her doing this multiple times, I know she wants to talk to him.

Weirdly I get jealous. I wonder if she has any feelings for him. I know they're great friends and they just got into an argument, but maybe. Just maybe. "Can I ask you something?" I whisper to her. "Excuse us." she smiles at them then follows me away from them.

"I don't mean for this to sound rude but it's just a question and I wanted to know if you have any feelings for Finn?" I try asking in the nicest way possible. She lets out a laugh. "Joe, no! I love you, I think of him as a brother I promise." she smiles at me. Thank god. She places her hand on my neck placing a kiss on my lips. I grab her hips pulling her closer to me, deepening the kiss

"Alright Alright." Zoe says coming up to us with Louise. I blush a bit while Dani giggles.

"You need to talk to Finn." Zoe says pointing at Dani, then looks at me, "Alone." she adds. I raise my hands up in a 'surrender' type way. "I haven't done anything." Dani grabs my hands and kisses my cheek, giggling. "He's always looking at you like he wants to talk to you, but finds every excuse not to." Louise adds.

Dani's POV
"She's the same way." Joe says, And I gasp "I am not!" I say playfully pushing Joe. He laughs "You are too!" I blush a bit.

"I wouldn't know what to say even if I did talk to him." I say looking over at Finn. "How about 'Hello'." Louise teases. I stick my tongue out at her and she giggles. "Please just go." Zoe begs.

"Okay okay." I sigh giving in.

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