Ch. 29 Those Three Words

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Okay so. As you can tell this story is based off when Joe and Caspar shared a flat. But I'm gonna change that to where it's based on now and Joe has his own flat. Because he does. And I barely conclude Caspar in this story, sorry for that. And bc of that it makes sense to base this story off his current living space. 😂 So yeah now I'm just going to pretend Joe and Dani met when Joe has his own flat. I'm not changing the chapters so just go with it :) And most of these chapters will consist of cute Jani/Doe moments.

"Joe. It's only been three days." I say as he hugs me tight. "Joe!" I laugh and he lets go. "Sorry, I'm just glad your back here. And doing better." he says taking my bag in his room. I smile as I watch him. I am doing better and I couldn't be happier. I have Joe. He's all I need for my sanity. I just learned that the hard way.

I knew I needed help so I was fine with going away for a couple days. Of course we didn't tell viewers that, we just said I'm taking a break from all social media for personal reasons. And of course that made every news reporter make assumptions, and bring up the picture again.

I learned to just forget about it. I know that's not me in the photo, my friends know it. So that's all that matters.

"you alright, love?" Joe looks at me concerned. "Yes yeah I'm fine. I'm just really happy to be here with you." I smile at him, wrapping my arms around his neck, his hands placed on my hips. We kiss with a smile in between. "I'm really happy too." he says smiling wide. "I've got a surprise for you as well." he smiles taking my hand leading me to the door.

"if you're talking about the lunch reservations, I already know about that." he laughs. "That is only a portion."

We arrive at a fancy restaurant. I look up at the lights that are hanging up in the outside part of the place, where we were eating. "so pretty." I say smiling, looking up, as Joe held my hand guiding me to the table. "I know right!" I hear a giggly voice say and my head immediately looks forward to see Tyler.

"oh my god!" I say pulling him into a hug. "hey babe!" he says in his cheerful tone "How are you? I missed you so much" "I'm so great, doing much better. I missed you too oh my god I can't believe you're here! Is Troye here?" I say as we sit down at the table. Joe across from me, With empty seats on his left and right. And Tyler to the right of me. With an empty seat on my left.

"unfortunately, he couldn't make it, he's got so many things with his music going on. He really wanted to take at least a day off, but they wouldn't let him." Tyler makes a frowny face, but I just smile at him. "That's okay, I'm grateful you're here though."

He looks behind me and smiles. I turn around and see, Zoe, Alfie and Louise. I stand up and greet them with hugs. They ask how I am, and tell me how much they've missed me. I couldn't be happier.

We're all sitting down, eating, chatting, laughing.

I look at Joe. Just smiling at him, admiring how lucky I am. I have someone who truly cares about me and is with me no matter what. He catches me staring at him and he just smiles at me, slipping his hand in mine, from across the table. "What you smiling about?" he says in his cheeky voice.

I just shake my head, smiling, "nothing."

"I've actually got something to say." he says louder, but only loud enough for our table to here. Everyone looks at Joe.

He turns to me, resting his elbows on the table, taking my hands in his. "I don't have much experience with romance or love. Actually I ain't got a clue." "Mate we know" Alfie cuts him off and we all giggle. Joe stares in my eyes.

"But, I've never been this happy. You make me happy. I didn't know what love meant till I met you. And maybe I still don't know what love is quite yet. But I know that, Danica Willer, I love you."

Tears filling in my eyes. Louise Alfie Tyler and Zoe all "aww."

"I love you too, Joe Sugg." we both reach across the table to give each other a kiss.

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