Ch. 23 Addiction begins

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Joe's POV
"Emma? well that explains it." Zoe says. "What? No. Emma is one of my good friends, she wouldn't do that." Dan says. I then start thinking about how Dani kept asking me about her last night. And then how she wanted to leave right after I introduced her to Emma.

I explained to them how she kept asking me about her last night. "Yeah because Emma made a nasty comment about how you always sleep around." Zoe says. I give her a what are you on about look. "Look, Dan why don't you ask Emma where she got it from?" "No." I say before Dan could answer. "I will." "Joe I don't think that's the best approach." Dan says. "Why cause you think she did it?" Dan gives me a weird look.

"Sorry I didn't mean to-" "It's alright." Dan interrupts. "You can talk to her. Just don't tell Dani about this, I don't want her to say anything to her until you do." we all agree.

Dani's POV
"Yeah it's Dani.- Yeah I'm good. how are you?"
"That's great, listen could you do me that favor."
"okay thanks see you."
I get off the phone and look at myself in the mirror. I splash some water on my face. I really don't want to go out there and face them. I just want to go meet Elijah. Perfect excuse to leave early though.

After all the sympathetic comments Joe and I finally leave. When we arrive I tell him I want to go on a walk by myself. He lets me.

A couple of blocks later I hear someone call my name.

"Dani!" I turn around. "Hey Elijah, long time no see." he catches up to me. "I know. I gotta make this fast though, Ari is picking me up in a few." I smile. "You guys are the cutest." he places the small bottle of pills in my hand. "Thanks, I have a lot of work so this will totally help. See ya!" "Later." he runs back and I head back to Joe's.

"How was your walk?" Joe smirks from the kitchen as I head to the stairs. "Fine." I smile at him then go to the bathroom.

Joe's POV
The next day I go to meet Emma. I asked her to meet me and she willingly agreed. I walk into the little coffee shop and see her sitting. "Hey Joe." She smiles at me as I sit across from her.

I order a coffee and we make small talk. "Dan showed me the picture you sent him." She got quiet and leaned back in her chair. "Oh." "Yeah, oh. Did you make that?" she furrows her eyebrows. "What? no! I love Dani why would you think that?" "According to Zoe you made a comment about me and were rude to Dani." My expression serious now.

"Of course Zoe would say that." she rolls her eyes. "What's that supposed to mean?" I rest my elbows on the table. "It means everyone acts like she's some precious angel who's never done anything bad before. Maybe she did it."

I give her a dirty look. "You're joking right? Zoe is my sister and I know her too well to know she wouldn't. You're just making excuses now." "No Joe you're making excuses" I roll my eyes at her and stand up. "Whatever." I say then leave.

I get back to the house and find Dani on her laptop editing working very diligent. "Alright love, don't break the keyboard." I laugh a bit. She smiles not looking up at me. "Sorry, I just filmed a video and wanted to edit it, I think this one is going to be good." She smiles.

"Have you ate?" silence. "Dani?" "What? yeah sure." she still hasn't looked at me. I furrow my eyebrows then jump on the bed and sit up facing her. "you alright?" "Yes, Joe. I just told you I'm editing."

"Yeah, but you never work this hard. You hate editing. And always find ways to get out of it, I always have to get you to stay focused on it, not try to get your attention from it." I put my finger under her chin, moving her head to face me.

"Well that's a bad habit and I should start trying to fix that." she pulls away and looks back at her computer. I lick my lips then get up to go make dinner. Caspar left to LA so I couldn't go and talk to him about it. Plus he wouldn't take me serious. So I went outside and rang Zoe and told her what happened with Emma.

"oh my god. she tried fricking pinning it on me? as if!"
"I know! That just makes her look even more guilty."
"I can't believe this. .. Have you seen what people have been saying?" she says.
"Yeah. But We and and more of our friends have tweeted out that it was fake."
"I know but if I was her I know I would be hiding under a rock. I feel so bad."
"Me too Zoe."

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