Ch. 3 Pranks

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Joe and I arrived at the Jaspar house. "He should be in his room." Joe said while closing the front door. "thanks for the ride, by the way." I smiled at him and he gave one back. I walked down the stairs to Caspar's room, right when I was about to knock the door flung open and Caspar squirted me with a big water squirter getting me soaked and I screamed while laughing. "Surprise!" he yelled. "Well great to see you too asshole!" we both laughed.

"Now give me a hug!" I say running towards him and tackle him on his bed. "you little shit! I have to take a shower anyway." he said sticking his tongue out at me and pushing me off him. I walked upstairs to find Joe playing Fifa. "sorry but can you get me a towel?" I laugh. he looked at me confused on how I got wet. I shook my head and said "Caspar" he smiled and went to grab me a towel.

He wrapped the towel around me then stared straight in my eyes. It was silent.

Joe's POV
I stepped back from her and put my hands in my pockets. Still looking at her. I cleared my throat then to break the silence asked if she wanted to join me in FIFA. "I've never played." she laughed. her laugh was cute. What's wrong with you Joe, you're acting strange I thought to myself. "it's not hard, I'll show you."

A few laughs and struggles later we were playing. She kept getting mad and yelling at the TV and of course it made me laugh. "steal my girl already?" Caspar interrupted. "finally you're out." Dani says standing up.

Dani's POV
Caspar heads downstairs and i follow but then stop "Thanks for keeping me company." I smile at Joe. I usually play around with guys but never get serious with them. But I actually liked hanging with Joe. Even if we only hung out twice. Okay stop acting like this. Joe smiled back at me and said "Anytime, let me know if you need some more company." he smirked but I walked down to Caspar's room.

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