Ch. 45 Night Out

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I've been with Tyler for three days and about a week without seeing or hearing from Joe.

Tyler has been doing such a great job cheering me up and getting my mind off it. "Hey babe, Finn and Connor will be here any second." Tyler says peaking his head into the room I was staying in. "Okay." I smile at him. I've met them both before but we aren't really close or anything.

I put on my little black combat boots and went into the kitchen to get me something to drink. I hear the door open and close then some male voices.

"Hello guys." I say walking in. They greet me with hugs and simple questions like How are you? How are you liking LA compared to London?

After we've all settled down and just chilled i wanted to film a video. "Anyone want to film a video with me?" Connor and Tyler were too busy watching a movie so Finn laughed and agreed to.

"Hey guys, what's up, It's Dani, today in here wiiiiith-" "Finnnnn"
We continued the video with lots of laughing. We read fanfictions and whoever laughed had to have a forfeit.

Later in the night we all decided to go to a club. Connor had to leave so it was just Tyler Finn and I.

We drank, danced and just had a great time.

Tyler went to get more drinks and it was just Finn and I. We were on this huge balcony, that looked over the city. It was more quiet out here than inside.

"So what happened with you and Joe?" Finn spoke up. I sighed looking at the sky then back down at my hands.

"I'm sorry that was a dumb question, you don't have to tell me." I look at him and just let out a giggle. "It's okay. I haven't really talked to anyone about it. Well besides Tyler." I say looking back over the edge. "How come?" "Just a difficult situation to explain... how about you? do you have a girlfriend?"

He lets out a laugh followed by a no.

"Here we are!" Tyler says bringing us some shots. I notice some guy checking me out. Oh wait, no. He's checking Tyler out! I nudge Tyler.

"There is a very attractive male checking you out!" he giggles. "Really? where?" I point in the direction of the guy, who waves at Tyler. He turns back around. "Oh he is cuuuuuue." he says. "Go talk to him!" Finn chimes in.

"oh my god, oh my god, okay." Tyler says after having a little freak out. Finn and I just laugh.

"Can I get you another drink?" he asks me. I look at my almost empty drink. "Nah I better not. If I drink too much I might tell you all my secrets." I give him a smirk. "Maybe that isn't a bad thing." he gives one back. I smile looking down at my drink.

"Wow." I hear him say and I look back up at him. "What?" I let out a giggle.

"Your smile." he says staring at my lips. My smile fades and I catch myself staring in his eyes then down at his lips. He starts to get a bit closer, he looks at me, I don't turn away. He slips his hand on my waist.

"I really want to kiss you." he whispers, our lips almost connecting.

FYI I don't really watch Jack and Finn, if I'm honest. I do like them though, I've seen a couple videos but I'm not too familiar with their stuff. Sorry if some of the stuff Finn does is stuff he wouldn't actually do and I'll say things that maybe aren't true but this is the way I'm writing it :)

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