Ch. 58 The End

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Joe's POV
"It's a girl!" I say as I ran into the waiting room where Zoe Alfie, And my  dad were. They all cheered.

I ran back in the hospital room to cut the umbilical cord.

Dani and I wanted the gender to be a surprise, and I'm so thrilled it's a girl. I have a daughter. I'm a dad. I smiled at the baby in my arms.

Dani picked the name, I picked the middle name. She decided if it was a girl, we would name her Elizabeth. After Zoe's middle name. I didn't even decide on that, Dani did. The middle name was Grace. After my Father's name, and my middle name.

His name isn't Grace, it's Grahm. But I couldn't give my daughter a male name. So it's changed a bit of course.

If you're wondering why we didn't name her after any of Dani's family, it's because Dani only has a mom and a dad. A dad who abandoned her, and a mom who stole from her and let a guy beat on her. You do the math.

Dani considers my family as her own, anyway.

Elizabeth Grace Sugg. Beautiful.

Dani's POV
"I can't believe she's already 5." I say to Joe as we clean up the plates from the table. "I know." he says, smiling at me. "I'll clean up the rest, go to bed." he says kissing me. Then kissing my pregnant stomach.

Yes, another kid. We decided we wanted to know the gender of this baby. And we're having a boy.

We haven't picked out the name, but the middle name will be Grahm. Carrying on Joe's middle name. Formed from his fathers name.

I decided to stay with Joe and clean up. We just threw Eliza her fifth birthday party. Eliza is short for Elizabeth.

"I love you so much, Joe Sugg.".
"I love you so much more, Danica Sugg."


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