Ch. 25 Nervousness & Agitation

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The next day, Joe and I were at an interview. The whole time I felt very nervous and shaky. My Leg bumping up and down non stop. I just couldn't sit still. I had to move.

Joe places his hand on my leg. Pretty much telling me to calm down. I try to.

"Are you alright Dani?" Joe says as we walked to down the lanes, hand in hand. "Yeah was just nervous." he looks at me. "you can't tell me that was your first interview." he says giggling. "No, no. Just.. the first interview on us." I try to brush off the fact that it was the Adderall. "I'm surprised she didn't ask about the picture." I say which makes Joe stop.

"Is that what this has all been about?" I give him a confused look. "The constant editing, not being able to sleep well, flashbacks, anxiety, being nervous?" I just looked at him.

"Dani. I don't want you to be upset about any of this. All of it isn't true, you know that picture was photoshopped, you shouldn't care what anybody has to say about it."

"But I do Joe! What did I do to deserve that? I don't understand."

"You didn't-"

"everyone is calling me such terrible names. It even makes you look bad. Like you're dating a slut! I just-"

My stomach feels a bit achey, my mouth starts salivating. I run to a nearby trashcan then, boom. Vomit.

"Dani.. it's gonna be okay. I promise. I will always take care of you. Come on." Joe says pulling me into a hug.

"Joe I said I'm fine." I say as Joe brings me some soup whilst I sit at the table. "love, you just threw up. that's not fine." I roll my eyes playfully. "I have to use the bathroom." I go downstairs and find where I stashed my pills.

Joe's POV
I feel so bad. Dani has been having all sorts of small issues because someone made that picture. It's upsetting knowing someone could have that much impact on somebody. I'm not gonna just let this happen, I've gotta do something.

Me: have you found anything out?
Dan: every time I bring it up to Emma she freaks out.
Me: that obviously means something. Why else would she get mad about it?
Dan: that's true. I'll keep trying.

"Who ya texting?" Dani says coming up the stairs. "Dan." I smile at her. We eat lunch then Zoe and Alfie arrive. We film a video and just chill.

"So did you ever find out who made the picture?" Alfie says then Zoe quickly hits his shoulder. "I told you not to talk about it." Zoe whisper yells at him. I look at Dani who rolls her eyes then says, "Nope."

"Dan is still trying with Emma. See if she will talk." I say. Alfie and Zoe give me a glare. Crap. I totally forgot we didn't tell Dani that part.

"Emma?" Dani says sitting up off the couch. I take in a breath and bite my lip. "Yeah, She's the one who sent Dan the picture." Alfie says helping me out.

"I knew she was trouble." Dani says standing up and going to the kitchen. "I went to meet her and-" Dani quickly turns around "You went to meet her? why would you do that?" I look over at Zoe and Alfie who are just sitting there with an expression of yikes on their face.

"I went to talk to her about it, why are you freaking out?" I say and she just glares at me. "Sorry I don't like the fact that my boyfriend went and met up with a skank." she says starting to walk to the stairs. "Excuse me." she quietly says while running down the stairs.

"Well, that was.." "Intense." Alfie says finishing Zoe's sentence.

"I don't know why she acted like that." I say. "She's just got a lot of anger inside of her. Someone is trying to expose her. I would freak out at the little things too."  Zoe says trying to comfort me.

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