Ch. 43 The Box

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I entered my flat, exhausted. "Joe.." I heard Caspar speak as he walked up to me. "I think I've done something bad." he looked worried, scared. I've never seen him so afraid.

"I think I did something to.. Dani." his voice drifted off. "Mate, I already know." he looked up at me, confused. "know what?" I shuffled pass him to go to my room. "I know what happened. She told me." Caspar followed. "Then please explain because I don't know what happened."

He looks worried, I give a concerned face. "You don't remember?" he shook his head. "Well nothing happened. You tried but stopped when you had to vomit."

For some reason I'm not really mad at him. At least he told me straight away. I'm so tired of Dani not telling me the full story of everything.

"Mate I'm so sorry. I don't know why I did that. I must have been really drunk because I would never ever do that Dani, especially knowing how much you love her." Caspar pleads. I give him a sympathetic look. "It's alright. Honest. You told me when you started remembering. She kept this a secret, just like everything else."

I laid in my bed alone that night. Thinking of everything. I shouldn't be this angry about what's happened. I'm not sure why I am. I think it's the fact that she's hidden so many things from me. So many things I could have helped her with. And it hurts my chest, my stomach, my head.

I love her, of course. But, this feeling hurts and I can't bare to see her again.

Dani's POV
I woke up to the sound of Nala barking downstairs. I sighed pulling the covers over my face, curling into a ball, replaying what happened in my mind. Wishing it was just a bad dream. I stayed there for 10 minutes before getting up to get dressed.

I should just go and talk to him. He just needed to blow off some steam.

"Hey." Alfie says as I walk downstairs. He doesn't look too happy. "Everything okay?" I ask folding my arms across my chest. He sucks in his lips and clears his throat. "Um.. Joe stopped by."

This can't be good.

"He brought this box.." he lead me to the living room where the box was. "Um why? what's in it?" I look at Alfie. He just stares at the box, then takes an envelope out of his pocket, handing it to me.

"He wanted me to give this to you." I took it. Dani. it read on the front. I looked at Alfie. "Where's Zoe?" "Meeting. I'll leave you to open the box." he says giving me a slight smile before heading upstairs.

I opened the envelope.

Dear Dani,
First of all, sorry I'm not man enough to do this in person. I just couldn't face you right now. I think we should spend some time apart. I think it's best for me to clear my mind. You've kept so many things from me. It really makes me unsure if you've ever even trusted me. Anyway, I'm sorry it has to be this way. Believe me, this hurts me as well. The box is filled with most of your stuff. Please don't think I don't love you anymore.


My heart pounded, my hands became sweaty. Tears filled my eyes. I started crying uncontrollably, trying to open the box, seeing all of my stuff. I cried even louder. I crumbled up the paper and through it across the room. Kicking the box. I took my phone out and rang Joe.

No answer.

I called again.

No answer.

I decided to call Caspar.
"Where's Joe?"
I heard him sigh.
"He doesn't want to speak to you."
"I didn't do anything wrong! you did! you did this! why isn't he mad at you?!" i screamed through the phone.
"Just hang up, mate." I heard Joe say in the back and Caspar did as he was told.

I threw my phone on the couch and buried my face in my hands.

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