Ch. 52 Falling Apart

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"Well I am that selfish and I'm telling you to stay." Finn says. I fold my arms across my chest. "Finn." I say in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sorry but he's had you for like a year. I've had you for a month, I want to hang out with you more!" he pouts.

This may sound like he's saying this in a romantic way, but believe me that's not the case.

"Then you come back to England!" I say taking his hand. "I know your brother would love to have you back." I give him a smirk. I can tell he thinks about it for a second but he lets go of my hand. "I can't do that. I came here to get away from everything that's happened."

He turns away from me. Then I start remembering what he told me. Finn left something burning causing the kitchen to set fire, almost killing Jack. Finn blames himself for putting Jack in the hospital. But this was a year or two ago.

I turn Finn back around so he's facing me. "Finn. You can't just turn away from all of that. You can't just leave your past behind. Your past is what makes you, you." I say. "You barely see your brother anymore and I know it kills you both. I know you both miss each other. He told you it wasn't your fault."

"Yes it was." he says with a more demanding tone.

"No it wasn't. He doesn't blame you. You blame you. You're both so much more happier with each other. Finn."

"Stop it. Okay?" He says angrier, stepping away from me. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Finn I'm only-"
"No. You might think you're helping but you're not. Don't stand here and tell me what I feel or what my brother feels." he says angry, getting closer to me. I'm a lot more afraid because this is a side of him I haven't seen. And never wanted to see.

"You don't know what I'm feeling, you don't know what's best for me.-" he keeps on, getting more in my face. I push him back and then I feel a hand place on my arm. "What's going on?" it's Joe.

He steps in front of me, facing Finn. "Finn, what's wrong?" he asks. I grip on Joe's arm trying to pull him out of the way so I can face Finn. But Finn storms off.

"Finn, wait.. I'm sorry!" I call out to him. Joe faces me with a confused look. and could tell I'm upset, by then Zoe and Alfie walked over.

"Everything okay?" Alfie asks.

I take in a breath and swallow. "I need some air." I say letting go of Joe's hand and walking outside.

It wasn't the outside where all the fans were or could see me. I lean my back against the brick wall then slide down it with my face in my hands. I hear the door open.

"Love, what happened?" I feel Joe's hand take mine away from my face as he kneels down next to me.

"Finn just got upset that I mentioned some stuff." I say still not looking up. "Well what was it?" I debate whether I should say anything. "Just stuff with Jack. I told him I had to go back to England and suggested he comes back as well." I finally look at Joe, who looks concerned.

"you're coming back to England?" is all he says. I give him a weird look. "Well, I thought you'd want me to?" I say in a questionable tone. Did he not want me coming back with him? I thought we were back together?

He just looks at me. "Do you not want me to?" he still looks at me not saying anything then looks away. I let go of his hand. "What the hell?"

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