Ch.13 Remembering

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Dani's POV
"it's only for a couple days! 3 days at the most." I explained to Tyler Troye Louise and Zoe who were sitting in Louise and I's room watching me pack a couple of clothing into a small suitcase. I was going to go stay at my moms while I was in town.

"Is this because of Joe?" Zoe whines.
"you know a lot of people keep asking me about this Joe fellow-" I was cut off by all of them groaning. "Dani you can't pretend he doesn't exist." Troye says with a concerned face. "who's pretending?" I flash a smile then leave to the bathroom to get some of my things.

I'm not gonna lie, I miss him a lot. But what he did was just terrible. It's exactly what my dad did. why would I be with someone like that? Joe was out with Caspar and Alfie which was perfect timing for me to leave.

"My cab is outside. 3 days, I promise." I give them all hugs as they groan not wanting me to leave.

Joe's POV
Alfie and Caspar took me out to get lunch to try and get my mind off Dani. It worked a bit honestly. Until they brought it up. "I know you miss her mate, so why don't you just fess up?" Alfie says while we stand up to leave. "I would if I knew it was true. But I can't remember." they just sigh. "you don't remember what the girl looked like?" Alfie asks. "I saw her! She was a brunette with green or hazel eyes." Caspar chimes in.

Alfie and I give him a look. "I saw her running down the stairs" Caspar clarifies.

A rush of memories come back. I remember myself saying. Andrea? Beautiful name. "Andrea" I speak up.

They both stop in their tracks. "Russett?" Caspar says. I shrug "that's all I managed to remember." "Maybe i can ring her up and she can tell us what happened." Alfie suggests and we all agree.

We get back to the house and I see Zoe with Tyler and Troye in the kitchen baking something. "Hello boys" Tyler says. "What on earth are you doing?" Alfie says to them while going to greet Zoe when I notice they're all covered in Flour. "It was a challenge alright" Zoe says. Alfie whispers something in Zoe's ear. I don't think anything of it. Caspar went upstairs and Tyler went to go wash up.

"Where's Dani? I have to tell her something"

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