Ch. 27 Run Away

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It's the next day and the whole internet is buzzing about what Emma did to me. Some are saying I made up the excuse that Emma photoshopped my face. Saying I'm still a slut for sending nudes. Others are understanding and supportive.

"Whatcha doin, love?" Joe says entering his room. I shut my laptop and he comes and lies next to me on his stomach. I lay on him, my front on his back. I wrap my arms around his chest. "I missed you." I say against his back. "I missed you too." his face in his pillow. I could tell he was tired since he had to get up at 7 and it's now the evening, maybe 9. I kiss his cheek and sit up on his back.

"Want me to make you some food?" I offer. "Would you?" I just smile and get up. I go into the bathroom to take some more pills, but Joe walks in. I turn around really fast and hide the bottle behind me. He gives me a weird look.

"What is that?" "Just the pain meds" I give him a smile. "You ran out of those like 2 days ago." he says walking up to me, snatching the bottle from my hand. He reads it then looks at me, I can tell he's mad. "Where did you get this? Why do you even have this?" I sigh then roll my eyes. "It's not a big deal." I walk out and head upstairs.

"Not a big deal?!" his voice grows louder.

"Now I get it." I turn around to look at him, he places the bottle on the dining table. "Get what?" I fold my arms.

"Why you've been acting different. You've been taking these. Dani, what the hell? Why didn't you just talk to me about it?" he gets closer to me.

"Stop yelling at me!" I push him.

he starts saying some other shit but I run out of the front door. I don't care that's it's raining. I don't care that he was talking. I don't care he found out. I don't care that I didn't have a clue of where I was going. I heard him yelling my name, telling me to come back.

I couldn't. I turn around while running and see him trying to catch up. I run into the woods so he loses my trail. I didn't want to see him right now. I couldn't.

Why did I think I could keep this up, without him finding out?

The flashbacks start again, I keep running, faster.. faster. My head pounding. Images coming into my mind. I stop and press my hands against my head and squeeze my eyes shut. "stop .. stop" i mumble to myself.

Every terrible thing that happened to me, rushing through my brain, too fast. I fall to the ground.

Joe's POV
Finally Zoe and Alfie arrive. Thankful enough they were in town doing some photo shoots.

I explain to them what happened. I'm in tears because I don't know where Dani went and I feel like it's all my fault. I yelled at her. It just made things worse. "I called her, I chased her, I lost her.. I just.. I"

"Joe it's okay. it's okay." Zoe says hugging me and I cry some more.

"How could I lose her? She's probably out there getting raped!" I yell backing away from them putting my hands through my hair.

Zoe's POV
"Joe don't say that!" I yell back at him. "Okay guys, just calm down. Anger is not going to help us. Joe, where do you think she ran off to?" Alfie says. "I don't know. Nowhere, she doesn't have a favorite place or anything. The only time we're out on the streets is when we go for runs." Joe says sitting on the couch putting his hands over his face.

I sit next to him. "Joe. Dani is just going through a bad time. Her moms boyfriend beat her up, she was in the hospital, Emma sent around that picture of her, there's a lot of hate going on. I get why she was.. doing what she did. And I know she should have told you, or asked you for help. But you just need to calm down. We'll call the police and have them search for her." he looks at me. "The police?" "She's right, mate. It's dark and raining." Alfie agrees with me.

"People who takes those sometimes tend to get lost in their mind, and they aren't always there. " Joe finally agrees and we call the police. They arrive, we explain the situation and they go out and search for her.

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