Ch. 39 Secrets

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I wake up with husky arms wrapped around my waist. I immediately fear it's Caspar, so I move away to face them. It's Joe. He's passed out. Probably has a hangover. I stand up, then remember Caspar is out there. I've never been afraid of him, but last night changed that.

I really don't think he will do anything. I'm pretty sure he did what he did last night because he was drunk and thought I was his ex girlfriend. I walk out to the bathroom and grab painkillers, then to the kitchen for a water bottle. Caspar is sitting on the sofa eating cereal.

"Morning Dani." he speaks. Does he remember? I don't say anything. "Hey do you know how I got back here?" he says turning around. He doesn't remember.

"Um, not sure. I must have been asleep,  if you got here." I lie. I didn't want to say anything that would trigger his memories. Not for my sake, but for his as well. He makes a face, like he was trying to remember. "Weird. I just remember waking up on the sofa with vomit in a box near me." I shrug. "Weird." I reply then head back to the room.

If Caspar doesn't remember then do I have to tell Joe? I know I should. But there's no need to.

I set the painkillers and water on his bedside table. I kiss his cheek then go and take a shower.

Joe's POV
I wake up alone in my bed. I look up to see some water and Aspirin. My head is pounding. I feel like I've been dead for a month and just came back to life and don't know how to control my brain properly.

I sit up and rub my eyes. Dani walks in with a towel around her torso. "It's too bright in here." I manage to say. She goes and closes the blinds and curtains. "Here." I open my eyes and see her handing me 2 pills, and the water. I smile at her. She looks uneasy. "You alright?" she snaps out of whatever she was thinking of. "Yeah, just take these. I'll make you something to eat." she goes to the closet.

I take the pills and lay down. I watch her undress and get dressed. She turns around with a smirk then placing a kiss on my lips.

She brings some food in and hands the plate to me. "Hey, so. When I was at Zoe and Alfie's I helped Alfie pick out this necklace for Zoe and they want me to come over to hangout and whatever. So I'm gonna head off." I give her a weird look. Why didn't she invite me to my sisters?

"Hang on. Let me have a shower,
I'm coming too." she stops me from getting up. "You have to stay here. Caspar needs a friend, and you're both hungover." she kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later." she smiles.

"I love you." I say as she opens the door. She just smiles then leaves. Is she falling out of love with me?

Dani's POV
I didn't tell Joe I would be staying at Zoe and Alfie's for a little. I didn't want him coming. I would just feel guilty. Plus, I needed someone to talk to about this. I thought I should tell Zoe. She'll know if I should tell Joe.

Yeah it's a bit weird her being his sister, but she was my friend before I even knew Joe. Hopefully she still sees me that way.

It isn't that big of a deal, since nothing happened. I don't know why I'm so afraid to tell Joe. Caspar was drunk, he should understand that.

I arrive at Zalfie's house. We have lunch, then watch a film. I go upstairs to one of the spare rooms, the one I'm staying in, and take out my charger to charge my phone when Zoe walks in.

"Hey you." she has her vlogging camera. "Look who it is everybody!" she cheers and I wave to the camera saying hello. "Dani is staying a couple nights with us yaaayy" she does a happy dance and I just smile.

She turns off the camera. "You alright?" I sit on the bed. "I have to tell you something." her face goes from happy t worried. I look at the door, motioning her to close it and she does.

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