Ch. 2 Zalfie House

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I come back downstairs from washing up and find everyone in the living room. "So, we decided on watching E.T, Zoe's favorite." Alfie smirked. "Oh Alfie you know I don't like this film." I laugh at them both who are cuddled up on one sofa and I go and sit in the middle of Tyler and Joe who are on the other sofa, on each ends, on their phones.

I lay my head in Tyler's lap with my knees popped up so they aren't on Joe. "I'm hungry, I'm gonna get some popcorn." Joe says while walking in the kitchen. "Dani will you help him? he probably doesn't even know how to pop corn right." Zoe says while laughing. But I know she probably just wants me interacting with him. I get up and follow Joe in the kitchen.

"Zoe send you?" he says looking at me, I laugh and nod my head. "but it looks like you've got it covered" I say spinning around "wait! I might need some company at least." I laugh. "it only takes two minutes." he just smirks at me, but I stay. "How come Caspar didn't come with you?" "Oh of course she prefers the tall one over me." He replies with a sarcastic sad tone, I laugh and stand closer to him. "you're taller than me too!" I say.

he laughs. "He was out with Oli." I make an "ohh" expression as I take the bag out of the microwave and pour it into the bowl. "I'm filming with him tomorrow, that's why I asked. not because I prefer him over you." I say smirking at him while taking a piece of popcorn to eat it, and walking back in the room. Joe didn't say anything but smile at me. Didn't give him much time to reply anyway.

The movie ended and of course Zoe fell asleep so Alfie had carried her to bed. Tyler went up to bed as well so it was just Joe and I who actually watched the film. "I think I might just sleep here, I'm so comfortable." i laughed while stretching out and pulling the blanket over my head. "you're joking, right? trust me I've slept on this couch before. Big Mistake."

"I'll manage. Plus there's only one other room available." I heard Joe stand up and he pulled the blankets off of me. "Now what kind of gentleman would I be, if I let a pretty girl, like yourself, sleep on the couch?" I raised an eyebrow. I wanted to say something, nothing came out. He licked his lips and said "go on." I just smiled at him and went up to bed.

I kept thinking about how Joe called me pretty. Did he really think so? or could he just have been saying that.

Joe's POV

I watched her walk up to bed and immediately regret saying what I said. especially since she said nothing back. I couldn't help it though. Something just overcame me. She probably thinks I'm just some weirdo.

The next morning I was the first awake, which is odd. I grabbed a bowl of cereal and went on twitter then heard some footsteps. "Morning." Dani said while running her hand through her hair trying to fix her long black hair. I smiled at her, but continued eating. "You're filming with Caspar today, right?" I spoke up trying to create conversation.

Dani's POV
"Yeah, I am. Why?" I said while sitting down across from him. I usually never eat in the mornings. "I could give you a ride there, since yanno, I live there." "okay. I'm gonna grab a shower." I walked up to find Zoe walking down the stairs we exchanged good mornings then went off.

Zoe's POV
"Morning Joe, were you nice to Dani?" I giggled. I loved Dani she was so warm hearted and kind to everyone. But in a way she was like Joe, witty and afraid of commitments. "I was on my best behavior, sister." he replied back sarcastically. "I'm giving her a ride back to Caspar and I's." I sipped the tea I made and raised my eyebrows. "That should be fun. I'm sure Casp will be happy to see her."

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