Ch. 16 Hospital Tears

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"Dani!" I screamed. Tears coming to my eyes. Alfie and Caspar already rushed over to her. She was unconscious laying on the bed. Blood on her face, he must have smacked her around, The guy was nowhere to be found but the window was open.

I ran to her and fell over her body crying. Alfie called the police i laid there with her trying to wake her up, She was still breathing but she wasn't waking up.

Alfie's POV
"Dani.. please I'm so sorry" Joe cried over her. I swallowed and turned away, waiting for the cops. Caspar and I walked out of the room. We couldn't bare to see Dani like that and to see Joe so heartbroken. "Dani! Please! Wake up!" he yelled. You could hear the anger and pain in his voice. I've never seen him so hurt.

Zoe's POV
Tyler Troye Louise and I rushed to the hospital after we got the phone call from Alfie telling us to meet him at the hospital. Meaning something terrible happened to her. We got to the room and I saw her laying in the bed. My heart broke.

"oh my god" I said in a low tone putting my hand over my mouth. Alfie rushing over to me pulling me in a hug. I cried in his chest. "It's going to be okay." he says stroking my hair.

Alfie told us everything. We sat in her room with her. The doctors told us she would be okay and would wake up soon. Everyone was in her room except Joe. He was sitting on the floor outside her room. Crying. I go and sit next to him and slip my hand in his while laying my head on his shoulder.

"This is my fault." his voice shaky. I look up at him. "No it isn't Joe. Why would-" "She wouldn't have left if I hadn't been such a prick" I let out a sigh. "Joe.. you didn't do it. I called Andrea. You told her to leave and that you were with someone."

He looked at me, eyes bloodshot, still crying. "This didn't happen because of you Joe. She wanted to see her mom, she didn't know that terrible guy would be there." he put his head down, sniffling.

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