ch. 24 Panic Attack

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I swallow the three pills. Then take one more just to keep my sanity. I walk out of the bathroom to an empty room. I sit on the bed and pull my laptop onto my lap. I scroll through twitter and I feel like all anyone is talking about is the picture. I shut my laptop and push it away. I take in a breath and shut my eyes.

I head upstairs to find Joe on the couch playing Fifa. "I'm gonna go for a run." I say to him. "I'll come with you." he says pausing his game and standing up.

"It's okay-" "I want to. Just wait, I'll get changed." He cuts me off while  walking up to me, placing a kiss on my cheek then goes downstairs.

My brain starts to feel dizzy so I shut my eyes and take in a breath.

Joe and I run a couple of blocks and through some woods. As we were running through the woods my mind filled with images, kinda like flashbacks.

One of me running from John. One of me getting hit by him. One of me on the ground yelling.

I stop, out of breath. Scared. My mind was going in different places and I couldn't focus on the one I was in right now.

"babe you alright?" Joe says coming up to me. I stay huffing and puffing, not being able to speak. I felt like I couldn't breathe. As if I was drowning.

"Just take it easy. Look at me. " he says taking my hands and sitting me on the grass, then making eye contact with me. "Just breathe. In. And out." he says taking deep breaths with me. "You're just having a panic attack it's alright." he smiles at me.

I catch hold of my breath and the images disappear. "Come on, let's go back." He takes my hand and we go back to Joe's. After I have a shower I go upstairs to have something to eat while Joe takes one.

I just eat a couple of grapes then I go downstairs to find Joe with his towel around his waist.

I smile at his body. He raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. "What? it's nothing I haven't seen before." I say then smirk back at him. He laughs then gets changed.

"So are you gonna tell me why you had a panic attack?" he says messing with his hair. I sit on the bed. "It wasn't even a panic attack." "yeah it was, I've got a sister who has them a lot. I know what they look like." he says sitting next to me.

"I don't know I just .. had these weird flashbacks" I look at him. "They were so vivid." he slips his hand in mine. "Have you been sleeping alright? you look tired. Maybe that's why." truthfully I haven't slept in about two days, cause of the pills. But I wasn't about to tell him that.

"I mean yeah. Sometimes I wake up and can't fall back alseep. Maybe that's it."

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