Ch. 17 Dani Wake Up

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Joe's POV
it's been a day and Dani still hasn't woken up. I stayed over night in the hospital, not leaving her side. The others have left and came back this morning bringing me some extra clothes. I spent all last night trying to wrap my mind around all of this. Trying not to blame myself but it's so hard not to. Thinking about the guy who did this to her and how I want to find him and kill him myself. And how her mother could just leave her there.

I sat there in the chair next to her bed, holding her hand. Alfie Caspar and Louise went to get some food. Zoe Tyler Troye and I stayed in the hospital room with her. They were sitting on the couch that was in her room. The boys comforting Zoe and each other, talking about some video ideas to get their mind off of it.

Still holding Dani's hand I lay my head on her bed. Just then she squeezes my hand. As if she wanted me to know she's okay. I raise my head. "Dani? Can you hear me?" I say looking at her bruised face. Zoe stands up and comes to the bed followed by the boys. "She squeezed my hand." I say. Zoe smiles and tears come to her eyes. "That's a sign!" Tyler says taking Dani's other hand.

Dani's POV
"That's a sign" I hear a familiar voice say then grab my hand. Tyler. I wanted to open my eyes but I couldn't, I wanted to speak up but I couldn't. It's like I was there but couldn't move. My eyes start to flutter open. All I could make out was Joe's necklace that he always wears.

"oh my god. Dani? it's Joe. can you hear me, love?" I heard him say. I was so happy to hear his voice. My body allowed me to finally open my eyes.

"Dani!" they all yell in joy. Zoe starts to cry, Tyler holds my hand tighter, Joe kisses my forehead and Troye hugs Zoe.

"Don't cry Zoe." I manage to say in a raspy tone. I don't remember what happened or how I got here. They all chuckle a bit, tears filling their eyes.

"Do you remember what happened?" Troye asks me. I try to remember but all that comes to mind was that my mom slipped something in my drink and so I was a bit out of it. But I woke up and saw her taking money out of my purse I try to stop her but she ran out of the house. John stopping me from following her and started hurting me. I told them all that and they explained how Alfie Joe and Caspar found me.

I looked up at Joe. Tears in his eyes. "Joe." my voice still raspy. He smiles as he sits down in the chair not letting go of my hand. Right now I didn't care if he did something with some girl, all I cared about was him being here with me. He kisses my hand. "How are you feeling?" I take in a breath. "Thirsty" they laugh a bit then get me something to drink.

"I didn't do it." Joe speaks up, rubbing his thumb over my hand and then looks at Zoe. "We found out from the girl, Andrea. She said I told her I was with someone and that I told her to leave. I just wanted to tell you so you wouldn't hate me right now." I instantly sit up, grab his face and kiss him. Our lips so in sync, kiss so passionate.

I looked in his eyes and placed my hand on his cheek. "I could never hate you."

"awwww" Zoe Tyler and Troye say. Joe and I laugh.

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