Ch. 26 She Did It

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"Dani.." Joe's raspy, sleepy voice interrupts me. "What are you doing?" my eyes still glued on my computer, as I edit another video. It's almost 4 in the morning. I'm sitting up next to Joe's sleepy body. "I'm just finishing something up." I say.

"babe, finish it tomorrow, come on." he says so sleepy, tugging on my waist. I really wasn't tired. My mind felt hazy. It felt like there were magic beans dancing on my brain. I shut my laptop, then got up into the bathroom to take a couple more pills.

Joe's POV
I woke up to the sound of Dani rummaging through a box. "what're you doing, love?" I say, still tired. it looked like the sun had just risen. "Trying to find my necklace.. ah, here it is." I dig my face in my pillow. "Gotta go, meetings and such." she says coming up to me, then kissing my cheek.

I grab my phone to see its only a quarter pass 6. I sigh then go back to sleep.

I'm starting to make lunch when Dani walks in. "want a sandwich, love?" I ask her. she comes and sits on the bar stool. "No thanks, can you grab me a water?" I hand her the water.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Emma." I speak up. "It's okay, Joe. I've just been very agitated lately, I didn't mean to lash at you." I smile at her then she gets up and wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me slowly. Turning into a slow passionate make out. I for sure didn't want this to end.

But then my phone rings. She whines and I laugh.

Dani's POV
"hello?" Joe answers his phone.
His smile goes to a straight face and he looks at me. I give a concerned face. "alright thanks mate. I'll tell her." he hangs up the phone. "Tell me what?" I say. He sucks in his lips and runs his hand through his hair.

"Joe. what is it?" "it was Emma. There was some tracing back to her phone from the photo, and she finally admitted it to Dan." my mind goes blank and it feels like my soul has left the room and my body was just nailed to the floor. I can't believe she would do that to me.

"What did I do to her that was so bad-"
"Me." Joe cuts me off. "She wanted me, but couldn't have me because of you." I raise my eyebrows. "You say it like its A bad thing." I say going to sit on the couch.

"No babe I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I want you, not her and I guess it made her angry. But i don't know why she focused her anger on you and not me." he says and sits next to me, taking my hand. I smile at him.

"I wouldn't be able to be mad at you either, so I see her dilemma." he lets out a giggle. "are you siding with her now?" I laugh at his joke. "Why wouldn't you be able to stay mad at me?" he smirks at me. "because you have beautiful eyes. And you've got a small willy so id just feel bad for you." I laugh. "Oh you did not just say that!" Joe says while laughing then tackling me, pinning my hands down on the couch.

"you know that's bullshit!" Joe says while on top of me. "you're right you're right! I'm so sorry Joe Sugg." he smiles down at me then places a kiss on my lips.

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