Ch. 44 Eat the Stick

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It's been two days, and im still at the Zalfie house. Zoe and Alfie both have tried getting me out of bed and cheering me up. I don't ever want to wake up.

I've decided to go back to America and stay with Tyler.

But before I leave Zoe wanted to spend some time with me. She isn't too happy with Joe because of what happened, but she isn't picking sides. In general she doesn't like seeing people so upset.

I'm still learning to accept what's happened. Are we broken up or on a break?

"You ready?" Zoe enters the room, as I'm putting some extra mascara on to blend my natural lashes with my fake ones. "Just..About .. And .... Done!" I say standing up smiling at her, her eyes are fixed on my suitcase that sits on the bed.

"You will be coming back right?" she says looking at me with a pouty face. Honestly, I'm not too sure. I was only here because of Joe. "Yeah, probably." my answer doesn't sound too reassuring to her, but I just hug her.

We're in Zoe's car, driving with the top down and jamming to music. We get lunch then ice cream, we take photos at a photo booth, we go into a candy shop, a makeup shop, then to the sea.  It's been a great last day in England with Zoe. We're sat on the rocks looking at the water. "How much money would I have to give you to eat this?" I say giggling holding a stick with some bird poo at the end. "Ew, none!" she groans while laughing.

"What about all the money in the world?" I smirk and she laughs. "Would you?" she asks and I look at the stick, giving a look as if i was thinking about it. I shrug, "For all the money in the world, yeah." She gives a disgusted look while I laugh. "Go on then!" "Show me the money first!" I say and we both just laugh.

My flight isn't till 9. And right now it's a quarter till 8 so we head home. "You coming with gorgeous?" Zoe asks Alfie as we're about to head to the airport. "I'd love to, but I've gotta finish editing this vlog and gaming video." he gives me a hug. "I'll miss you! Goodbyeee." he puts on a frowny face, vlogging camera in his hand, while waving at me and I wave back.

Zoe and I exchange goodbyes and I head off back to America.

Sorry it's a bit short :(:

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