Ch. 40 Squishy Shirt

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Caspar's POV
I walk into Joe's room to see if he's awake and also because I need to borrow a hoodie. He's asleep, I guess we're both very hungover this morning. It's so weird that I blacked out last night. It's only happened a small amount of times.

Last night was very well needed though. I guess I'm taking the break up very roughly, but how would you feel if you saw the girl you thought you loved going at it with some dude?

I notice I'm stepping on something sort of squishy. I look down and it's a shirt. More feminine looking, Dani's. I pick it up with a disgusted look hoping it isn't squishy because of something her and Joe did.

Whew. It isn't. Just vomit. Vomit? Why is there vomit on her shirt? and why is it just laying on the ground?

An image rolls through my mind. "Stay Here." I hear her voice say in an echoey tone, with a blurred vision of her standing up.

That must have been something that happened last night. I did throw up in that box. But she told me she was asleep?

"Mate what you doin?" Joe startles me and I flinch a bit. "Oh jeez. You scared me." he looks at me blankly laying in his bed still waiting for an answer. "Sorry. I was looking for a hoodie."

He looks down at the shirt I'm holding. "Is that Dani's?" he asks. "Uh yeah. Do you know how she got vomit on it?" he gives me a weird look. Like I was some alien. "Um no? I probably puked on it last night or something. Why you asking me why my girlfriends shirt has puke on it?" he chuckles a bit.

I just shake my head. "No reason." I drop the shirt on the ground. "You can clean it though." he groans as I leave the room.

Joe's POV
i roll over to check my phone.

"Just got to Zoe's love you."
2 missed calls: Dani❤️❤️
"call me please. You're probably asleep. I love you."

I do what Dani's message says, and call her.

"Hey gorgeous it's me. How're you doing?"
"Alright thanks. Listen, I'm gonna stay a couple nights here. I really want you to spend time with Casp."
"What? I can spend time with Caspar and you, Dani."
"i know I know. Please don't be upset."
I roll my eyes. "I'm not. I just wish you would have told me that before you left."
"if I did you wouldn't have let me leave."
"Exactly!" I hear her sigh on the phone
"I love you, Joe." I smile at her words.
"i love you too."

it's 6 in the morning, I'm not tired, so I thought i would write. But I didn't want to just dive in to the convo Zoe and Dani have just yet. (:

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