Ch. 6 Pool Fun

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I come out of the bathroom with some grey joggers and a Nirvana shirt on to sleep in. "I should get going then." Joe says. As he's about to open the door I wanted to say something. I wanted to tell him to stay. Nothing came out. I was leaving back to Florida in 2 days. what's the point? "Goodnight Dani." Joe says pulling me into a hug. "Goodnight Joe." I whisper into his shoulder. He lets go then leaves.

Tyler still hadn't come back but I instantly fell asleep once i got cozy in bed. Of course I was woken up by Tyler and Troye bringing me donuts.

"So.. are you and Joe like..-" Troye starts to say "I don't know." I let out a sigh. "Yeah we hung out a lot, yeah we both feel something for each other. but-"
"but what?" Tyler cuts me off. "we all saw you guys last night. I totally ship it." I throw my napkin at him and we all laugh as I fall back in my bed and put my hands over my face. "ugh I don't know what to do."

Troye comes and cuddles up next to me. "I know you're afraid. I know you think he's gonna do what your dad did to your mom.. but Joe is much different." I take in a deep breath. "consider it babe. okay?" Tyler cuts in. "okay.." i agree. "Good. now pool? they're downstairs waiting." Troye says.

We all got dressed in our swimwear and met Marcus Zoe Alfie Joe Caspar Louise Tanya and Jim by the pool of our hotel. The guys were all swimming and the girls were tanning. but Tanya and Zoe finally got up and went in.

"Dani aren't you gonna get in?" Caspar called to me. I stood up and stood by the pool. I shrugged. "Maybe." then I felt hands wrap around my waist. "Yes you are." it was Joe. "Joe don't you dare!" I yell. Everyone chanted him on. Joe picked me up and threw me in and he jumped in after. "you dick!" I yelled/laughed while splashing him which turned into all of us splashing each other.

We did a chicken fight. Me on Joe's shoulders, Zoe on Alfie's. I won that one. Then it was me on Caspar's shoulders against Tanya on Jim's shoulders. I lost that one. "you lost because you weren't teamed up with me." Joe smirked. "I believe it." I smiled back at him. 

Joe's POV
I was sitting on the tanning chairs on my phone then Troye came and sat next to me. "Hey what's up?" "I think you know what I'm gonna ask." he says while looking over at Dani who's sitting on Caspar's shoulders doing a rematch with Tanya and Jim. I lick my lips and put my phone down. "I don't know.." I start to say. "funny. that's exactly what she said. you just have to take a chance." I look back over at Dani who's laughing and cheering in joy because she won. "she's been through some shit. and that's why she's so afraid to be with you."

I look back at Troye. "What shit?" he turns his head. "go on, you can't just say that and then not tell me." "just don't tell her I told you. Stuff with her parents. She caught her dad cheating on her mom about a year ago and then he left. And of course she thinks it will happen to her. "

"I'd never-"
"I know. I know. But If you do feel something for her. do something about it. before she leaves." he says then gets up and goes back in the pool.

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