Ch. 46 Sleeping Around

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"Do it then." I whisper back. His other hand places on my neck with his thumb on my cheek, pulling me closer so our lips finally touch. I kiss him back, as everything starts to slow down, our kiss is heated. Sloppy but in a passionate way. Oh man is he a good kisser. My arms wrapped around his neck deepening the kiss.

After a couple minutes he pulls away, his eyes filled with lust.

I can't help to admit that I was definitely turned on. "Do you wanna get out of here?" he asks. I bite my lip and nod my head, he takes my hand. "I should tell Tyler." I say. "Tell him we're going back to mine." I smirk and go to tell Tyler. He raises his eyebrows up and down and giggles. "Shut it." I say them head back to Finn who leads me out.

We get back to his apartment and as soon as he closes the door his hands find their way back to my waist, and his lips also finding their way back to mine. He lifts me as I wrap my legs around his waist, as he carries me to his room.

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I'm naked and the sun is shining right on my face. I turn on my other side to find a sleeping Finn. I smile at him. Remembering last night. Then Joe pops in my mind. ugh. Joe was totally not on my mind at all last night.

I still love him. But I don't regret last night. At all. I really enjoyed it. Even though it may have only been a one time thing. My stomach aches at the thought of Joe. Is he sleeping around with other girls too?

"Good morning, beautiful." Finn interrupts my thoughts with his raspy tone and cute British accent. His eyes are shut but his arm wraps around my waist pulling me closer to him. He looks at me with such kind eyes. I just smile at him. Then I remember Joe.

I shouldn't be doing this. I can't just jump into something else so fast. It isn't right, especially when I have such high feelings for Joe.

"Finn.. you should know-"
"I know." he says looking at me. I give a confused look. "I know you just got out of a relationship. And you're not looking for anything. I'm okay with it." Oh, well that's a relief. He puts some hair behind my ear. "Friends?" he smiles at me. I giggle but agree.

Later I leave and go back to Tyler's who's still asleep so I edit Finn and i's video then upload it.

Joe's POV
I watch the girl leave as I sit on the side of my bed, putting my boxers on. It's been a week without speaking to Dani. A week of getting drunk every night with a new girl in my bed each night.

I'm on twitter when I see that Dani uploaded a new video. I decide to watch it.

The video was with Finn. She looked happy, she was laughing and smiling and just being the way she was before meeting me. Whatever. I'm the one who called it off.

"I hope you're getting ready for Playlist." Caspar says coming in my room as I'm packing. "Yeah yeah all settled." I say putting sunglasses on before he can see my eyes.

"Joe, you alright?" I roll my eyes. "How many times are you going to ask me that? Can we just go?"

Caspar's POV
We're on the plane and Joe has barley talked to me. The past few weeks he's been distant, getting drunk, sleeping around. I mean I know he used to that anyway but not as mush as he does now. It's literally every night.

I wonder if he's just silent because he's most likely going to see Dani at Playlist. I know he loves her. I know he misses her. He doesn't want to admit it so instead he gets drunk.

One of the girls asked me who Dani was, one time. I asked them why they wanted to know and they told me because he accidentally called the girl that during sex. That's also how I know he misses her.

We arrive in LA and get to our hotel. We don't have meet ups till the day after tomorrow so we decided to grab lunch with some friends. Whom was which Dani.

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