Ch. 36 Zoe's Surprise

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I've gone over to the Zalfie house since I had planned to make a video with Alfie. Even though I was supposed to stay with Joe and take care of him since he isn't feeling well. But of course Joe insisted he's alright, Caspar would take care of him, and that I should go. He was not taking no for an answer.

I filmed a video with Alfie for my main channel, where we just did the 7 second challenge. Then on his channel we filmed with Zoe and did the "Guess the YouTuber" Zoe won, but it was still a funny video.

"you staying for dinner?" Zoe asks. "oh no, thanks. I've gotta head back. I've left Caspar to take care of Joe, so." She lets out a giggle. "Yeah not a great idea." she says before heading off to the kitchen. "Oi Dani, can you help with something?" Alfie asks. He's sitting on the different end of the couch with his laptop in his lap.

I go and sit next to him and look at his laptop. He has a website pulled up with different types of Jewelry. "I don't think these would suit you." he laughs, "Not for me, for Zoe." I make an 'ohhhh' expression.

He points to a ring with her birthstone on it, then shows me the necklace with her birthstone.

"Which one do you think she would like better?" he asks. "What's this for?" trying to debate on which one would be more Zoe.

"Not anything special. I just wanted to get her a lil something." I smile to myself after he says that. How cute. "Well I like the necklace more. It's more showey, and she can wear it with a lot." he nods his head and buys it.

"I should get going." I stand up. I say my goodbyes to them then head back to Joe's.

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