Ch. 57 do you think..

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I woke up with the sound of waves crashing on the beach. I sat up and looked at the view of the beach.

Then looked over to see Joe sleeping. I smiled at his peaceful body.

After we got married, we wanted to travel the world together. We haven't been home since. It's been 2 years of us traveling the world together. The only time we went back to England was for Zoe and Alfie's wedding. They got married a year after Joe and I. I still find it silly how Joe and I got married first, when Zoe and Alfie were together much longer. I'm just glad Alfie finally, after 6 years, proposed.

I remember how happy Zoe was when she told me. She made us come all the way back, just to tell us. She said there's been an emergency and we have to come home quick. She of course wanted to tell us in person.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach toss, making me sick. I ran to the toilet and threw up.

After two minutes I thought I was done. I wasn't.

"Dani? you alright?" I hear Joe's raspy voice call. I don't answer back, too busy getting sick. I stand up, wash my face then brush my teeth. I walk back in the room to Joe standing in front of the huge glass window, overlooking the ocean. He smiles at me, "Everything okay?" he wraps his arm around my neck as I clash into his body, wrapping my arms around his body.

"Yeah just morning sickness I guess." after a second I just realized what I said. I step back and look at Joe. I think he has the same idea. "do you think.." he looks at me, not finishing his sentence.

Am I pregnant? I shake my head. "Didn't we use-" I stop. He shakes his head. A smile creeps on his face. "Oh my god.. " he says then puts his hand on my stomach. "Did I create a fetus?" he says more thrilled. I laugh and take his hand away from my stomach, holding it. "Only one way to find out."

Joe and I were both almost 27. So honestly, I don't mind having a baby and I guess he doesn't either.

We were in somewhere in Greece at the time as well. We went to a little shop to pick up a pregnancy test.

And guess what?

I'm pregnant with Joe Sugg's baby.

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