Ch. 28 Sorry

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it's been about 2 hours. Almost 1 in the morning. Still sitting and waiting for her to come back. Waiting for them to find her. Zoe fell asleep on the couch and Alfie is lying with her. I keep pacing back and forth. I keep trying to edit. I can't stop worrying.

"We think we found her." one of the policemen call in from the front door. Alfie stands up, and I walk to the door.

"Where is she? Where was she? Is she alright?" I ask.

"She was in the woods passed out. She's still out of it. " The policemen explains how she should be in a rehab facility but I blank out, all I can think of is her laying out there all alone in the dark.

Finally a car pulls up and they open the back door carrying her out. I let out a breath of relief and take her in my arms. (bridal style) I look at her unconscious face. I bite my lip and tears come to my eyes.

After arguing with the police and telling them she doesn't need to go to a hospital, everyone leaves I go down to my room where I laid Dani down for her to be warm. She's still laying in the same position. I lay next to her, facing her.

"I'm so sorry." I whisper to her, putting a strain of her hair behind her ear.

Her hand takes mine, from her face, and holds it. My eyes go from her hand to her eyes. She's already staring at me. Starting to cry she says "No, I'm so sorry."

I grab her bringing her closer to me. Crying in my chest. "It'll be okay. You'll be okay. You'll get help." I say to her trying to calm her down.

sorry it's short :):

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