He Finds out your a Victoria secret model

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"Babe, what is this for?" he said looking at a giant wings. "Oh, that's are my wings. I wore them last season" "For what?" "Harry, I've never told you but I'm a Victoria's Secret model and I used that from the campaign of last year" "No way! Really? How have you never told me?" "Because I know how men are..." "But I'm not like that babe" I looked at him like asking, are you sure? "Ok, maybe I am but that's awesome! I want to come with you next time!" "Ok, I'll think about it..." "I can't wait to see you in those thongs and bras and..." I looked at him again "I mean, I can't wait to see you walking in and showing how beautiful you are" he said smiling widely


Louis was watching tv in your living room when suddenly an advertisement appeared in the screen. "Oh my god!!!" he screamed "What is it?" you said alarmed "You- Yo- You a- You" then you looked at the screen and realized everything. It was an advertisement you've done for victoria's secret. The thing is, your boyfriend Louis didn't know you were one of Victoria's secret angel. You told him you modeled in occasions and that was true. "Yes, Louis, I'm a Victoria's secret angel" "How's that? You've never told me!" "I know, I don't know, I think it's irrelevant" "Irrelevant? That is so awesome! You're around the most beautiful girls in the world, and of course you're the most" "Thanks Louis and no you're not going to see me" "What? I wasn't going to ask you that!" you looked at him wanting to say are you sure with your eyes "Ok, you got me, but why not?" "Because it's my job and there's more girls out there and I don't want you to look at them" "But babe, you know what? You're the most beautiful girl ever, that's why my eyes landed on you and I don't love them the way I love you, that's the difference between you and them" "Well, I think about it haha I love you too babe" you said pecking his lips.


The boys were all in Liam's house and they were doing... you know men things. They were seeing pictures of victoria's secret models while Liam was preparing dinner for them. You were out that week working (In victoria's secret) but that was a secret for Liam. You didn't told him because you thought that wasn't too important to know, plus you were just dating for a month or so when suddenly Liam heard someone shouting "Holy Shit!!" and then followed of "Oh my God!!" "No way!!" "What's wrong boys?" he asked "Liam!! Look at this! you're balls are going to fall down!" he went to see what the boys were so excited about. When his eyes were in the screen he was petrified. When suddenly he realized the boys were seeing you almost naked he took the laptop away from him. "Hey, what are you doing?" Harry asked "No, what are you doing? She's my girlfriend!!" "But... she's hot man!" "But she's my girlfriend!" "You didn't know, she was a victoria's secret, did you?" "I knew she's a model but not a victoria's secret one. I have to talk to her, excuse me"


You and Zayn met that night in an after party. Everything was going so well, you were having fun, Zayn was so funny and always made you laugh... You had to excuse to go to the bathroom and in that moment Niall went to Zayn to ask him "Hey, how's it going? I'm seeing pretty well, little man" he said giggling "Yeah, she's cute and friendly" "And she's a model" "Wait, is she?" "Yeah, you didn't know that?" he shook his head denying it and in that moment you came back "Hi guys, what are you talking about?" "I was asking Zayn if he knew you were a model and he didn't know" Niall answered "Thanks Niall..." whispered Zayn "Go out" when Niall left you asked him "You really didn't know I was a Victoria's secret angel?" "Nope, sorry... I'm not into those kind of things..." "No problem Zayn, it's ok. I like it because I know now you weren't around me just because I were a model" you said smiling and he smiled back at you holding your hand.


You and Niall have been dating for about 3 weeks now. You've just arrived from a long trip (you were there to model) and Niall decided to visit you. You were unpacking while he was laid in your bed watching you. He then grabbed something that was inside your suitcase and said "Wow, what is that for?" he said trying on one of the new collection of victoria's secret bras. "Niall!" you said giggling "What? That's hot!" he then looked at the brand "You buy thing in Victoria's secret?" "I think every girl does Niall, but that's not out yet" "So, if it's not out why do you have it?" "Because... ok, I haven't told you this but I model for Victoria's secret" "What? Are you serious?" "Yeap, this is from the new collection, they gave it to us" "That's amazing babe! I'm sorry I didn't knew" "It's ok Niall" "Can I go one day to one of the shows? It's said they're amazing and seeing you walking with those tiny underwear... well... I'd love it!" "Ok, yeah, but at the moment we haven't any. I'll tell you when, ok?" "Ok, but... you know... This room is big and you can model for me if you want" "If you're good to me then I'll try this on tonight, just for you ok?" "More than ok! Let me help you, what do you want me to do?" "Clean the house, the dishes, do the washing, put this on the wardro-" "Babe!" "What?" "That's too much!" "Do you want me to wear this tonight?" you said teasing him "Yeah, of course I do!" "Then, let's go, you're wasting time" "You're mean you know that?" "Yeap!" you said smiling widely and he giggled.


This one is from tumblr

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