Your related to one of The Wanted Members

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Louis (your brother is Tom): Dating Louis you didn't exactly think of it your relationship just happened he liked you you liked him but Tom was a tad over protective and he had to find out one way or another but you and Louis weren't public about being together nor were you two big on PDA so no one knew you were even together you two were more sneaky about things but of course you weren't too good at being sneaky as usual. Tom found out about your relationship with Louis when you and him were in bed with him...naked...and you interrupted when your bedroom door swung open "(Y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!" Tom yelled "uh....searching for the TV remote..." You said Tom was raged with what he saw he just slammed the door and stomped away you and Louis got you clothes on "Look this is really awkward I'm sorry this happened..." You said to Louis you were totally embarrassed "it's fine don't freak out too much about it." Louis said with a smile that just made you relaxed. You walked to door and kissed Louis goodbye you shut to door and standing in front of you was your brother who seemed like he was about to have a tantrum "Seriously!?!?!? Out of all people!!!! You chose Louis Tomlinson!!!" He said mad "he's not really a bad guy..." You said "(Y/N) He is a dick! Get off of that imaginary world you live in and get back to reality!" Tom said "How do you know that's what he's like?" You asked "I know him (Y/N)" he said "No you don't!" You said and started to wallk away "Im going to go be with MY Boyfriend..." You said and walked out of the house.
If it wasn't obvious enough Tom wasn't too happy with your whole relationship...but no way in hell was he stopping you from being with who you want to be with.

Liam (brother is Siva): You have been dating Liam for awhile and Siva knew you and him were together but Liam on the other hand didn't know Siva was your brother cause that topic wasn't ever brought up. You and Liam were at your house watching the TV when your brother came in and went to a different room "just gonna borrow something" Siva said you could tell Liam was nervous especially cause One Direction and The Wanted are not on really good terms "Uh...(Y/N) what's he doing here?" Liam asked in a whisper "Siva's my brother." you said "What?" Liam asked a bit worried "Liam chill out there's nothing to worry about" you said calming him down but there was no use Liam was scared he was probably worried Siva would beat him up or something.

Harry (brother is Jay): You were with Jay when you first saw Harry immediately he warned you "Don't talk to him...he's trouble" but the thing was kinda like he was uncharted territory you couldn't resist trying to talk to walked over to him slowly and you met eyes and shared a smile "Hi...I'm (Y/N)" you introduced yourself he smiled "I'm Harry" he said. Your both hit it off well like you got on very well and that was about a month ago you and Harry started dating and Jay has no clue you wanted to keep it that way.
You left your house with Harry and went out to eat when you got to the restaurant you were mobbed by paps but that didnt bother you from having a nice lunch with your boyfriend. 
A couple days passed "(Y/N)" Jay called "Yeah?" You asked he walked over and handed you a magazine article with you on the front with Harry "Explain." He said.

Niall (brother is Nathan): you were at a date with Niall and then you saw your brother Nathan eating at the restaurant "SHIT!!!!" you said pretty loud and ducked but trying to duck down you hit your head on the table "(Y/N) are you ok?" Niall asked "No..." you said Niall looked around "Oh isn't that Nathan Sykes from The Wanted?" Niall asked "No! Who? What? No..." you said trying to avoid the subject "Whats the matter (Y/N) did you used to date him?" Niall asked "EW NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROSS!!!" you said you then felt some one tap your shoulder you turned and saw Nathan "Hey Sis!" he said "Wait your his sister? and your her brother?" Niall asked confused you slowly nodded your head.

Zayn (brother is Max): You went out with your brother and his friends and you never were the odd one out when you were with them you always fit in even if you were very young out of the group but you were very responsible you didn't drink too much you actually don't like drinking you prefer water or and soda beer was just bitter but being at a club and not drinking at all it's annoying being around so many drunk idiots.... You just stayed at a table the whole time watching as everyone else got drunk you walked over to Max and told him you were going to leave and come back later. You went threw the back exit of the club and was greeted by the smell of smoke coming from a cigarette you look over and saw Zayn Malik you knew exactly who he was he was the so called "Bad Boy" of One Direction he looked up and saw you just looking at him in pure disgust.


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