He cheats,you break up, and you get with another member

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Niall: You had been with Niall for about four months now, since you and Louis broke up due to him cheating on you with his ex. You woke up to see Niall smiling at you. "What are you so smiley about this morning?" you tease and Niall shrugs his shoulders. "What more of a reason do i need, than having you right here and i can wake up to your smiling face again and again." You gave a him a sweet kiss. "You're too sweet, Niall!" "Thank you!" he said out of nowhere and you stopped what you were about to do and gave him a lasting look. "What?" "Thank you," he repeated. "For what?" "For being with me!" You smiled. "I didn't want anyone else, Niall!" "Do you still hurt from what he did?" thoughts about Louis surfaced in your head but you pushed them out. "No, not anymore. Louis is my past, you are my future now, Ni, you know that right?" Niall grinned at you before pulling you down for another kiss. "I know that, i just like the occasional reminder!" You playfully slapped his arm. "You ask me the same thing every morning and every night, Niall, don't you ever get tired of hearing it?" He shook his head. "I'll never get tired of hearing you say i'm your future, makes me so happy!" You grinned and got up to get dressed. "I live to make you happy now, Niall, don't forget that!"

Louis: You always thought that Zayn was the one for you, that he'd never do you any wrong, but he did. What he did, was the worst thing that he could have ever done to you, you were heartbroken and found yourself in front of Louis' house. You knocked softly and he opened a second later with a knowing look on his face. "You know?" you asked and he nodded. "Yeah, come in!" you did and made your way to the couch and curled up with a pillow, feeling right at home at Louis' home. "What do i do now, Louis? I'm lost now!" Louis sat next to you and propped your feet on his lap. "Well, you could stay here!" "You'd let me stay for a little while?" Louis looked away and you sat up and gently grabbed his hand. "Lou?" He groaned and before you could really register what was going on, his lips were on yours with full force and when you pulled away you were both out of breath. "What was that, Louis?" you gingerly touched your now swollen lips. "That was me showing you just how much i really actually love you!" "You love me?" He nodded. "I have ever since the day Zayn introduced you to us, i just never thought i'd have a chance with you, i thought that it'd always be you and him." "That's what i thought initially too," you admitted, "But, i, think i've overcome that, and i think i now have someone new in my life i can rely on." Louis smiled. "Am i that someone?" You grinned. "You might be!" He leaned over you again and pressed another kiss to your lips. "I better be!"

Harry: The tabloids with yours and Niall's breakup were everywhere, and now that you were with Harry, you were once again on the cover of every magazine. You sighed as you flipped another one on the table in front of Harry. "What's that babe?" "Another one about mine and Niall's break up! They just don't want to let it go, but if you look on the inside it also has a nice little side snippet about me and you and how you stole me from Niall!" Harry looked up from his laptop with a grin. "I stole you from him?" "Apparently!" He shut his laptop. "I thought i won you fair and square after i successfully stole your heart and swept you off your feet!" You grinned at him. "You are such a cheeseball, Harry! I love you for that though, my little cheezeball!" Harry had a look of mock hurt on his face. "Little? You call me little?" And with that you began squealing up the steps as Harry followed you closely and landed in the bedroom, you on your back and him on top of you. "You did steal my heart, Styles, you did do that! Thank you!" He grinned. "It was my pleasure m'lady!"

Liam: "Liam, what could i have done to Harry to make him do this to me? I swore i was doing everything right, i didn't think i was doing anything wrong, help me!" You begged as you cried into Liam's lap and he softly stroked your head. "It'll be alright, (YN)! You did nothing wrong! He did, he made the biggest mistake anyone could ever make! He let the one he loved most, go." "But why?" you breathed and Liam shook his head. "I don't know the answer to that, (YN), but, i think i may have an alternate solution to all of this, i just don't know if you'll agree to it like i want you to!"You were puzzled. "Please explain some more, Liam, i'm lost here!" He gave you a small smile and put his hand on your thigh, you felt sparks where he touched. "I want you," he paused, "I want you to be with me, (YN)!" he said so softly you barely heard him. "You want me, Liam?" "Yeah, i understand if you don't feel the same way, especially after what just happened!" You looked away for a moment only to give Liam your full attention again a minute later. "Liam, look at me!" he did and you took his face gently in your hands and leaned in for a kiss. You had never had a kiss like this before in your life, it was the best of your life. You pulled away and saw Liam smiling at you, his dimples on full display. "What was that for?" You grinned and pecked his lips once more. "I want to be with you too, Liam, but, how will the media take this all? Won't it bring you and the guys hell?" He shook his head. "I don't care anymore! The media can say all they want, but they don't know how i feel about you, and i want the world to know that i love you, more than anything and i'm excited because i finally get a chance to show you the love i have to give!" you smiled at him. "I can't wait to see it all!"

Zayn: Seeing Liam with that other girl, sent you through hell. You didn't know where you could go, what you could do, who you could talk to, you felt purely alone. You had just finished packing all of your stuff and eft Liam's place and put your stuff in the car, when Zayn came over. "You doing okay?" You shook your head. "I don't know if i can ever be okay again, Zayn, i feel worthless now!" "Don't!" he snapped and you looked at him in shock, half because he yelled at you. He never yelled at you. "What?" Zayn took a deep breath and looked at you again. "Sorry, but you're not worthless, (YN), never! You're beautiful, gorgeous, and Liam made a mistake when he did what he did, cause he let the most beautiful girl in the world go. He let you go, (YN)!" Slowly, you shut the trunk of your car. "What are you trying to say Zayn? You have a hidden meaning in what you're saying, i can hear it!" Zayn took another breath and nodded. "Yeah, what i'm trying to say is, i love you, like really truly love you! You're the only girl who is ever in my head, you never leave, whenever we sing a love song now, all i can think about is you! Will you think about giving me a try? I could never cheat on you, i wouldn't do it, i couldn't risk losing you!" You just stared at him. "What will Liam think, Zayn? He'll hate you and me!" Zayn shook his head. "Then he should of thought about his actions before, (YN), he lost you, you're not his anymore and he can't control our decisions! If we want to be together, than we can be together, what do you say?" You saw the pleading in his eyes and softly nodded your head. "Yeah, can i come over to your place, i kind of have nowhere else to go?" Zayn smiled. "I'll give you directions, let's go!"


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