tickle fight

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Niall: You hated being tickled. You always had. Except, when you started dating Niall a year ago, he always tickled you. That was the only time you liked it. Niall was out with Harry for the day, so you were alone. You were just sitting around, doing nothing. You didn't hear Niall come in until he was walking up behind you, and by then it was too late. He had already thrown you over his shoulder and taken you and thrown you on the bed. He started tickling your stomach, which was your weak spot. "Niall, stop!" you cried. "No way, sorry Princess, your laugh is just too cute." You were rolling around trying to fight him off, but nothing seemed to work. Finally, you decided to tickle him back. You rolled over on top of him and started tickling his feet, where he was most ticklish. You got into an all out tickle war, and finally he kissed you softly and you both fell asleep.

Louis: You were asleep. You had a long day at work yesterday, and you finally had a few days off to yourself and your boyfriend, Louis. He came into your bedroom and saw you were still asleep, so he quietly sat at the desk next to the bed, not wanting to wake you. He thought you were the most beautiful girl in the world, and kept getting distracted from his work by looking at you. He was on the computer for about an hour before he decided it was time for you to wake up. He walked over to the bed quietly and started tickling you; gently at first, but as you began to wake up, Louis became more playful. You were still half asleep, and rolled over, trying to avoid him. He kept tickling you until you were finally awake and you kissed him. He kissed you back gently and told you he had breakfast waiting in the kitchen.

Harry: Your boyfriend Harry had made the mistake of saying how he was really ticklish when he was little, but wasn't anymore. You had to test that. One day, he was sitting at the kitchen table on Twitter, and you went up behind him and snaked your arms around his waist as he stood up. This was something you normally did, so he wouldn't suspect the ambush that was coming. Suddenly, you broke into tickles on his stomach, and found out he was lying. He was ticklish. He turned around quickly, laughing, and grabbed you. He started tickling you, and you were laughing so hard you slowly sank to the floor because you couldn't breathe. Harry stopped for a moment, letting you catch your breath, but started up again soon. You tried to run away, but he chased you all around the house until you tripped and fell, leaving you lying on the floor, vulnerable to his tickle attacks. He laid down next to you and hugged you, laughing at you. "It's okay, babe, I'm done now." He said to you comfortingly. You sighed and were so exhausted, you fell asleep. Harry picked you up and carried you into bed, it was late anyway. He kissed you on the forehead and climbed into bed himself.

Liam: You loved Liam more than anything, and he felt the same about you. You two had been dating for a while now, and felt comfortable around each other. You were sitting on the couch together, watching a movie, and Liam had his arms around you. He began tickling you, and you asked him to stop. He didn't and you started to get upset. You loved Liam, but you hated being tickled. He kept tickling you, even though you asked him to stop, and you started tearing up. He saw how upset you were and immediately stopped. "Babe, what's wrong!?" Liam asked, worried. "I just...I really hate being tickled. I don't want to make you feel bad, and I love you, just please don't tickle me. Please." You begged him. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, don't cry! Don't be upset, please!" Liam looked like he was going to cry himself. You hugged him and told him it was fine, just not to do it again. You went back to cuddling on the couch, and watching your movie.

Zayn: Zayn was usually quiet. In the months you had been dating, he had had only a few days where he was loud and rambunctious. Today was one of those days. He was running around the house signing to you, hugging you, kissing you, and eating pixie sticks. At one point, you dared him to snort one, and he did. He stood in the kitchen yelling 'IT BURNS' for five minutes before he finally crashed and fell asleep on the couch. A few hours later, he woke up, hyper again. He ran over to you and started tickling you like crazy. You tickled him back and you were both rolling on the floor. Your mom walked in, dropping something off for you, and laughed at how silly you two were. She just left you on the floor, and walked out after she dropped her things on the kitchen table. Zayn crashed again, but this time it was on the floor. You locked up all the pixie sticks and watched TV until Zayn woke up, finally calmed down.


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