He meets your gay brother *requested*

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Louis: Y/B/N has been out to the family for the past five years and you're perfectly alright with it. So very much alright that you've practically forgotten. So when you bring Lou home to meet your family, you forget to mention to him the fact that your brother likes boys. When you walk through the front door, the first thing your brother says is "Wow, Y/N, he is sexy!" Louis beside you grabs your hand. "I know! I told you, Y/B/N, but stay away he's mine." After that, Lou kind of figured it out and he was perfectly fine with it of course.

Niall: You were at a party with Niall, looking for your brother. Your boyfriend had seen pictures of your brother so he split away from you to find him. After a moment, you felt Niall tapping your shoulder. "Y/N, babe, I don't want to alarm you, but your brother is right there, making out with a guy." He pointed to a dark corner. You giggled. "I know that he's gay, Niall. It's not surprising at all. Come on, I want you to meet him." You drag him after you to split your brother away from his boyfriend. "Y/B/N, this is Niall, my boyfriend." "Hi, nice to meet you and your boyfriend."

Harry: The first time Harry met your gay brother, it was a shock to both of you. It was at a family dinner and your brother had been sitting beside you, jittery with nerves. Harry hadn't arrived yet and you went to the front door to go get him when he texted you. Just as the two of you were walking back into the dining room to introduce him to your whole family, your brother stood up, his chair hitting against the wall. "Everyone, I'm gay. I like men; I just thought that you should all know." You stopped walking, Haz bumping into you. Everyone fell silent except for Harry. "Congratulations on the coming out! How's it feel?" he walked up to your brother and held out his hand. "I'm Harry; you must be Y/B/N. Nice to meet you."

Zayn: You'd once heard rumors that Zayn had been bisexual when he was younger. You figured that he'd be fairly understanding if you told him that your brother was too. Y/B/N needed some family, right now you were all he had because the rest of your family had rejected him when he let everyone know. "He's what?" Zayn asked when you told him. "He's bi." "But you said he's just like me, what'd you mean by that?" You blushed. "I heard that you used to be bi when you were younger." Your boyfriend chuckles and shakes his head no. "Nope, I never was, but I'd love to meet your brother. When's he getting here?" Ten minutes later your sixteen year old brother walked into you and Zayn's flat. They hit it off right away and Zayn even told him that if he ever needed a place to stay, he was welcome to come and stay at your place.

Liam: You'd told Liam about Y/B/N as soon as the two of you started getting to know each other and talking about your families and stuff. He was understanding about how half of your family was mad at him for something he had no control over and the other half wasn't quite sure what to think. You come from a very strict type of family that has their idea of what they think everyone should do. Your gay brother did not fit into their criteria of normal. When you brought Liam home to meet your family, he had to hide his tattoos and the two of you had to pretend that you hadn't been living together for four months and having sex for the majority of that. The family liked him a lot and then your brother walked in and Liam saw the way that everyone kind of turned their heads away from him and the way that he was left out of most conversations. Liam decided that he didn't like that your brother was sitting by himself in the other room, so he went over and struck up a conversation with him about anything and everything. Your grandmother, who you believed had developed a crush on your boyfriend, followed him in there and sat down next to your brother. Now, Grandma has slight amnesia and she didn't remember your brother coming out. "Do you have a girlfriend yet, Y/B/N?" she asked smiling. "No, Grams, I'm gay, remember?" A slight frown creased her brow and then she smiled up at Liam, "Is this one your boyfriend?" You had been standing in the doorway, watching, and when you heard that you laughed. "No, he's mine, Grandma." "Oh, well, Y/B/N, you'll find some handsome lad." she patted his knee before going back to sit next to your parents.


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