he finds out you liked on one the boys before him

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Louis: "So baby, I've missed you lots and lots," Harry coo's in your ear, wrapping his arms around your waist. "Harry?" you press your hands on his chest, pushing him away. You can see Louis over his shoulder laughing at the two of you, "What's going on? What have you done?" you glare between the two best friends. The last time Harry had been like this was when he'd sat on your glasses by accident and broken them. You run over to Louis, who was still laughing as Harry falls to the floor and begins crying, "No, (Y/N), you're the love of my life,". You look at Louis completely baffled who just holds up a piece of fanwork you'd drawn as a fun, 'Mrs (Y/N) Styles' surrounded by hearts. You hide your face behind your hands as both the boys pull you into a group hug.

Zayn : "So," Zayn smirks, looking at you over the top of his laptop, "Louis eh?". You look over at him blankly, "Yeah... What about him?". "I never realised I had some competition," he laughs, "Louis is so fit, Louis has a nice ass,". Realisation spreads across your face and you blush, "You're looking at my old tweets aren't you?". "Indeed," his gaze turns back to the screen, "They're are certainly some um... interesting ones," he winks. You hide your face behind your hands and moan. "Should I be worried that you're going to runn off with Lou and his fine ass the first chance you get?" he teases. "Your kidding me, you know full well that you're my favourite," you lean over to kiss him.

Liam: Your best friend had come to visit you. It was the first time she'd met Liam and you were ecstatic they were getting on so well. "So," she smirks, "Now that you're all loved up with Daddy Directioner, does that mean Zayn's no longer off limits?" she laughs while you glare at her. Liam looks between the two of you curiously, "What's all this?" he smiles. "Oh, she used to have the biggest crush on Zayn," your friend explains. You look up at Liam with apoligetic eyes, "Sorry,". He gives you a squeeze, "No one can resist his good looks," his eyes crinkle as he smiles, "Just so long as you don't run off with him,". You shake your head, "Never,".

Niall: "(Y/N), truth or dare," Louis asks. You were staying on tour with the boys for a week, and this games is aparently how they entertained themselves through the long bus journeys. Your mind casts back to all the dares the boys had done so far, most including stripping off in some way and doing something outrageous. "Um, truth," you chicken out. "Ok, i've got one," Harry points at you, "efore you knew any of us, who did you fancy the most out of One Direction?". "Oh that's easy, Liam," you answer truthfully. Liam blushes and the others smirk as you turn wide-eyed to your boyfriend and give him a sheepish smile. But he just laughs, "We can share Laim, ok babe?" he wraps an arm tightly around your waist. You couldn't look Liam in the eye for a week.

Harry: "And this," you say opening the door to your old room, "Was my bedroom,". "It's so you," he siles, taking in all the little trinkets and the 'keep on dreaming' you'd cut out from magazine pages and stuck on the wall, "We should bring some stuff back to the apartment, if you'd like,". You touch one of the corners of your old One Direction poster stuck on your wall, amazed at how things had changed. You were just a fan, and now you were with Harry Styles. You shake your head, clearing your thoughts, "Yeah, that'd be nice,". "I might have to reconsider now though that i've seen this," he smirks, pointing at eh Niall Horan poster that hung on the back of your door. "It was his irish charm," you wink, wrapping your arms around him, resting on his bum, "But your smile and curls were even more irresistable in real life,".


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