He hits you in front of another boy part 2

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I Recommend you to read the first part before reading this, 😋

Harry: After a couple hours you already stopped crying and Niall made you some tea. You finished the tea and that when Harry decides to come back.He saw you and begins to cry in front of you. You tell Niall if he could leave you and Harry alone. You got and walked where Harry was at. "Y/N I'm sorry for pushing you and taking to you like that. Your not clingy at all. I was just in a really bad mood because of management. I'm really sorry." he said crying. "Harry you can't just push me like that even if your in a bad mood and say things like that to me." " I know I'm very sorry y/n." " Harry if your gonna hit me or do things like this again I can't e with you anymore." "please don't leave I need you I'm life. I was just one mistake it won't happen again I promise just don't leave me please." " I don't know Harry" " please Y/N please." " Fine. I'll give you another try but if you mess up again I will leave." I promise I won't miss up." He said hugging you. After that you thanked Niall for everything and Harry never hit you again.

Liam: At Louis place you started sobbing and you a red mark on your cheek. Your cheek still hurt because e hit you so hard. After an hour of crying your eyes out Louis doorbell rang. You knew who it was and also Louis knew. He went to go open the door and there was Liam with puffy red eyes. " Louis let me see her please." Liam said. Louis looked at you and you nodded. He let Liam in and he went to another room for you both could be alone. You looked at him and he started crying because he saw the mark on your face. You couldn't see him cry so you went to him and gave him a hug. " Its gonna be okay Liam." you said while hugging him. "it's not gonna be okay look at what I did to you. I'm monster." "your not a monster Liam. it's gonna be alright it will go away." " I don't deserve you Y/N. You deserve better. You deserve someone who will treat you better." "But Liam I deserve you. Your the only one I want. You only made one mistake and I will forgive you. I would never leave you." Thanks Y/N your the best and I promise I would never hurt you again." You believed him and you kissed him. He never hurt you ever again.

Niall: When you woked up in the morning your nose stop bleeding and it only had a bruise that was visible. You were scared to go downstairs but you remember that Harry was there. You went down and you saw Harry and Niall both awake. Niall saw you and gasped " What happened to your nose." Harry hasn't told yet so this should got well. "I'll leave you two alone." Harry said walking away to the kitchen. " Princess what happened to your nose." Niall said." "You hit me on the nose yesterday when you were drunk and then you laughed at me. You didn't care." " Omg I did that to you I'm sorry. I feel so bad." " Niall, I think we need a break. I can't do this anymore." "What???" He said with tears falling. " I think we need time after what happened yesterday I can't trust you no more I feel like you would do it to me again." "I won't do it again I promise." "I'm sorry Niall." you went up the stairs got a suitcase and put all your things in. You finished packing went downstairs with your suitcase and saw Niall crying and Harry standing there. You hugged Harry and said goodbye. You went straight to the door looked back saw Niall staring and you and you mumbled a goodbye to him.

Zayn: Liam took you to his flat and you stayed there for the night. Niall came to check on you and you were ok. You only had the mark of Zayn's hand on your check and it was really red. In the morning Liam and Niall took you back to your flat for you could talk to Zayn. You entered your flat and saw Zayn sitting there. He looked like he didn't sleep at all last night. You also saw Harry and Louis giving you a small smile. Zayn saw you and he ran quickly embracing you into big tight hug. You didn't hug him back.He stopped hugging you and put your hair back to see the mark. When he saw the mark tears slowly started coming back. " I did that to you? Omg I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that to you. I'm sorry." You didn't say anything you stayed quiet. The other boys left upstairs. You took Zayn back to the couch. Zayn I know you didn't mean to hit me but I don't know what I did wrong to deserve this. And I don't know if I should break up with you or not." "Please Y/N don't. I love you baby girl please don't leave. Your my world." he cried. "Zayn I don't know if I could trust you again." "You can trust me again. I love you." "Okay Zayn I give you one last chance if you do it again I would leave you" you said seriously. " "I would never do it again I promise." he said hugging you and then kissing you

Louis: Zayn took you back to his place where he knows you would be safe. Zayn took care of you and gave you some ice for your cheek. You were thinking of Louis and only Louis and you didn't know why. You stayed at his place for 2 days. You wanted to go back to your flat to go see Louis if he was ok. Zayn took you back to your place. You entered and saw the living room a mess. You went upstairs to see if Louis was there and Zayn stayed downstairs for you talk to him alone. You saw louis there in the corner crying. You could tell he hasn't been sleeping he has just been crying. "Louis" You said to him softly. "Y/N" "Hey Louis are you ok." "No I been miserable. I keep thinking on what I did to you. I feel like a monster. Could you ever forgive me." "Lou I think I can't forgive you or trust you anymore. I think we should break up" " I understand why you're breaking up with me but please don't. I love you Y/N." " I love you too Lou but we need a break. I don't feel safe anymore." Please" "Sorry Lou." You got all your stuff inside a suitcase. " See you around Louis." That's the last thing you said to him. You gave Zayn a big hug and left. Days later you bought a new flat and still haven't moved in from Louis. You stayed in contact with all the boys except Louis.You finally moved on.

-Jasmine ❤️

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