He likes you but you have a boyfriend

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please listen to the song on the side. that's my favorite song from the album. Which song is your favorite comment below.

Liam: You were hanging out with all of the guys at Liam's flat. They had all known he's liked you since the day you met, but you were completely oblivious. You had been dating this guy for a couple of weeks and wanted to introduce him to the rest of the guys. You invited him over and he had just arrived. You welcomed him in and introduced him "Guys, this is my boyfriend, Jake." everyone had said hello and were making small talk with him. You had noticed Liam was kind of just sitting there silently. "You alright, Liam?" you asked sitting next to him. "Oh. Yeah, yeah, I'm fine don't worry about it." he said faking a smile. "Are you sure?" you asked him concerned "Yeah, I promise." he said with another phony smile.

Louis: You and Louis flirted a lot. You loved messing with him and you two always shared a laugh when you were together. You met this guy about a month ago who you fell for instantly. Louis knew you were in a relationship and to you the flirting was harmless, but to Louis it was mixed signals. Today he was planning on telling you how he really felt about you, so he invited you over. You walked into his living room and playfully slapped his bum. "Hey you." he said before kissing you on the cheek. "So, what'd you need to talk to me about?" you asked. He got a bit nervous "How's Alex?" he asked "He's great. He was actually talking about going on a double date tonight. He said he found the perfect girl for you and he wants to hook you guys up." you explained "Oh, um sure. Sounds nice." he said unwillingly agreeing.

Harry: Harry was your best friend. You told him absolutely anything and everything. You had this exboyfriend who liked to play mind games with you. You were still head over heels for him and he never gave you the time of day unless he wanted to bang you. You were stupid and usually did it thinking he still cared about you. Harry of course knew all this. Harry had liked you for a while but never told you because he knew how you felt about your ex. You were spending the day watching movies at Harry's. "Oh my gosh." you said "What?" Harry asked confused "Jesse just texted me." you said with a stupid smile on your face. "What'd he say?" Harry questioned "He said "Come over."" you explained "You're not gonna go are you?" he asked curiously "Why wouldn't I?" you asked "Because Y/N he's just- never mind." he sighed "Play hard to get for once, don't just give it to him." Harry said before returning his attention to the movie clearly annoyed.

Niall: You were sitting front row at a One Direction concert watching your best friends perform. They were reading some tweets and one of them asked who Niall was currently crushing on. Instead of saying the usual "Demi Lovato" he refused to give a name. "I wouldn't want to ruin a friendship, so let's just say she's a good friend of mine." he answered. You figured he was talking about a girl that one of the guys liked since he said he wouldn't want to ruin a friendship. At the end of the show the guys all teased Niall obviously knowing it was about you. "So who's this crush, Niall?" you asked teasing him as well. He laughed and looked at his feet. "It's nobody really, how's Justin?" he asked leaving you extremely confused.

Zayn: You and your boyfriend had been fighting a lot lately, and you always confided in Zayn when you needed advice. You and your boyfriend had been fighting about him going out every night and staying out until 4 am while you're sitting up at home waiting for him. "What do I do, Zayn?" you asked with your head on his shoulder. Zayn hated giving you advice because he wanted you all to himself, but he would do anything for you. "Well why don't you just explain to him how it's making you feel. You've got to open up to him and tell him how you're feeling." he told you. "I'm gonna go call him, I'll be right back." you said "Hey, Y/N.." he started "Yeah?" you answered locking eyes with him "...Forget it.. Good luck, let me know how it goes." he said shooting you half a smile as you walked away to continue your phone call.


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