The paparazzi hurts you

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Harry: "For a person with no boobs, you sure bought a lot of bras." You say to your boyfriend as you leave Victoria's Secret. "I thought you could model them for me." he says ignoring your sarcasm. "On one condition," You say. "You have to try them on first and make sure they're comfy." You giggle at his expression, but before you can say something, you're surrounded by paparazzi. "Just come from Victoria's Secret, (Y/N)? Care to show us what you bought?" Yelled a particularly obnoxious pap. One look at him told you to stay away. When you ignored him he yelled it again, louder. When you continued to ignore him he grabbed your arm tightly and yanked you toward him growling, "You don't ignore me when I talk to you, you understand? Now why don't you be a good girl and let me get a picture of what you bought?" Before you could react, Harry had punched the man in the face and was leading you away. You rubbed the already forming bruises on your arm, and Harry whispered, "Let's go home. Even with bruises, you'll still look fantastic." He winked at you and you couldn't help but immediately feel better.

Niall: You and your boyfriend had just bought some food to go and as you were walking to your car, you got mobbed by paparazzi. You grip his hand tightly as they yell rude things at you. "Just ignore them, (Y/N)." Niall says. You just nod and stare at your feet as he leads you to the car. Knowing you were about to escape, the paps start yelling louder. When that fails, they resort to throwing things. There were lots of empty wrappers strewn on the ground so that's what they used at first, but when they'd run out of ammo, they didn't know what else to throw. One man had the brilliant idea of throwing a beer bottle at you as you were getting in the car. Luckily Niall didn't see who it was or he would have hit him, and definitely made the front page. After you closed the door, Niall sped away. He didn't seem to have noticed the sound of breaking glass as it smashed into your arm. "Niall, I need you to take me to the hospital." You said through tears. He turned to you confused before noticing the huge gash on your arm. He was about to turn around and teach the paps a lesson when you said, "Will you hurry? It really hurts." He squeezed your hand and whispered, "Of course, baby." In an interview the next day, he sent out a message to the paparazzi: "If you ever hurt my girlfriend again, I will kick your ass and sue you for everything you have." And they never got violent with you again.

Liam: You and Liam were just exiting an airport when the paparazzi found you. "I hate paparazzi." You muttered. "Just be polite, and they'll leave you alone." Liam said as he waved to the camera. They followed you all the way to your car to get pictures of you loading up your luggage, as if that was the most interesting in the world. They'd been pretty nice overall; up until now that is. "Get out of the shot!" someone yelled at you. When you ignored them, one of the paparazzi yanked you roughly away from Liam causing you to hit your head on the car behind you. "(Y/N)! Are you alright?" Liam lifted you up and sat you in the passenger side of the car, immediately forgetting about the paps. He drove you to the hospital because no paparazzi were more important than you.

Louis: "You just have to wiggle your hips." You explained to Louis as you exited the theater. You laughed at his attempt to dance, and showed him the correct way. "I like it better when you do it." He whispered in your ear. "Show me again." You obliged and the two of you had a mini dance session as you walked down the street. The paps showed up right on time to get pictures of you too. They all thought you were adorable, except for one. As Louis spun you, the pap stepped forward and got your waist. He took your hand and winked at you. You politely tried to step away, but he just yanked you tightly into him. "Ow." You muttered as he pinched your waste. You thrust your knee in between his thighs and he backed away quickly, grabbing his crotch. Louis started laughing and pointing before he yelled, "That's what you get for touching my girl!" He put a gentle hand on your waist and led you to the car.

Zayn: "Roses are red... um violets are blue..." You said. "Clever beginning." Zayn joked. You shushed him before continuing your poem. "I- uh... your hair is like- oh I give up!" He laughed. "Not as easy as you thought it was, huh?" You'd just reached the front of the Starbucks line, and Zayn began ordering your coffee. After he was finished you said, "And will you write your best poem on the cup?" Zayn laughed. As you were leaving Starbucks, you read your boyfriend the poem: Violets are blue. Roses are red. Your shoes are cute, and there's hair on your head. "That's still better than yours." He said. Before you could respond, you were engulfed by paparazzi. For the most part you ignored them, going on as if they weren't even there, but it was more difficult when they started yelling rude things. One of them got frustrated with you ignoring him and he threw his coffee at you. The hot coffee stained your shirt, and you could feel it burning your stomach. Zayn punched the guy in the face so hard that he fell to the ground. You tugged him to your car and yelled behind you, "Roses are red. Violets are blue. Paps suck, and you're a douchebag!" He hugged you gently and whispered, "That may be the best poem I've ever heard."


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