The boys don't like his new girlfriend after you

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These preference is you guys breakup and he gets a new girlfriend. The boys don't like he's new girlfriend so they try to get you back

Harry: Alyssa flipped her hair and popped her gum annoyingly as she propped her legs up on Harry's thighs. He just smiled to himself and his eyes remained fixed on the tv. Alyssa was great, no doubt she was the one. Well, to Harry that was. To everyone else, she was a spoiled brat who didn't care about anybody else's feelings. She had to be perfect. The rest of the boys sat around Harry's living room as everyone watched a movie that Alyssa had chosen. "Zayn will you fetch me some water?" she smirked. Zayn's eyebrow's raised. Fetch? Was he some sort of dog? "Um the kitchen is right over-" "Just get her some water Zayn, it won't kill you!" Harry droned. Zayn rolled his eyes and got up to follow Alyssa's orders. The rest of the boys were appalled- she was changing Harry for the worse. "I think I'm gonna get going," Niall claimed, standing up. "Yea, us too," Louis grumbled, pulling Liam's arm. "What? Why?" Harry asked, confused. They all looked at him dumbfounded, but left without another word. Alyssa was nothing like you. They needed to get you back.

Liam: "Ooh, that one's nice!" Monica pointed to a shiny diamond studded bracelet. Liam scratched his arm and nodded, looking through the glass. Monica gasped loudly and ran to the end of the table. "This is the one! Oh, I just want them all! Aren't they beautiful, Li-Li?" she squealed. He nodded once again. He looked at the price tag and winced. "Er, that's a little expensive for my budget. I don't think my boss will approve. Is there something else-" Monica started to tear up, her lip quivering. "I want this one! Why do you always do this to me?" Liam's eyes widened, and he took her crying face into his hands. "No, don't cry! I'll buy it, I'll buy it!" She smiled and clapped her hands, kissing his cheek. He handed his credit card to the sales person and the woman boxed the beautiful bracelet and threw it in a bag. Monica snatched the bag out of Liam's hand. The whole time, the boy's waited behind Liam-their jaws wide open. "She did not just do that," Niall whispered. "She didn't even thank him! I can't believe this!" Louis threw his hands up in exasperation. Monica was nothing like you. They needed to get you back.

Niall: Lexie always was climbing on top of Niall like he was a tree. Her lips never detached from his face. Niall adored it and thought it was just what he needed-but it was actually revolting. He skirt would always ride up and her fingers would sloppily tug at his hair. She had no respect for Niall's privacy what so ever. The boys would rarely come around anymore to hang out just because of Lexi and her sloppy make out sessions. She ignored everyone else in the room to smack loud, noisy kisses to Niall's lips. Today was one day where the boys were all together, just hanging around and having a nice time. "Niall!" Lexi cheered, coming through the front door. The boys all silently groaned as Niall held his arms out for his beloved girlfriend. She ran straight forward-not even accepting his hug and smashed her mouth onto his own. Harry had to clear his throat to get her to notice them. "Oh, hi boys." Zayn nodded towards the door and they all trailed out, leaving Niall to call all of their names in confusion. Lexi was nothing like you. They needed to get you back.

Louis: "Let's go out!" Louis' new girlfriend, Ashley, cheered. Louis shoulders slumped forward. "Again? We went out everyday this past week. Can't we just have a lazy night tonight?" Ashley scoffed. "Lazy night? I, for one, am not lazy. I like to go out and actually have fun!" Louis sighed, grabbing his keys. "Where to?" That was one thing Louis loved about you. You liked having your busy days, but you sure knew how to lay back and chill. But now with Ashley in town, he was always out and about. She raced out the door after perfecting her make up. "Maybe we can invite the boys?" Louis suggested hopefully. Ashley didn't like the boys very much. (Not like the boys liked her at all either) Another opposite apposed to you. "Ugh, those rugrats? Whatever. They can come. They just better not block my head shots." Louis rolled his eyes when she wasn't looking. Ashley was nothing like you. They needed to get you back.

Zayn: Five. Six. Seven. Eight? Zayn lost count after Kayla's ninth drink. That was when he started to pull them away. "NO! Stop!" She shouted unclearly, her eyes drooping. "Let's go dance!" She offered, pulling the top of her cocktail dress down. Zayn pulled the fabric back up and grabbed her arm. "No, babe. It's time to go. You're wasted!" She rolled her eyes and broke free of his grasp. "I don't need you! I can find someone else to bang!" The rest of the boys all threw their heads back and sighed disapprovingly. "She doesn't mean it. She'll come back," Zayn shrugged, a little disappointed. "Yeah, that's what you say every night Zayn. And she never come's back! We always carry her vomiting body out!" Liam snapped, crossing his arms. Zayn flinched. "What are you trying to say?" Liam's jaw clenched. "She has no class! She drags us all here literally everynight to just become wasted and grind on other boys! She doesn't care about you! Don't you see?" Zayn's mouth hung open and he gasped for words. They all walked out of the club with shaking heads. Kayla was nothing like you. And they needed to get you back.


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