You break up and you become a famous singer

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Niall: "So who's single?" The interviewer asked as Niall, Harry and Liam raised their hands. "Niall? I thought you and (y/n) were together?" He asks. Niall shakes his head. "It didn't work out I guess." Harry pats Niall on the back. "We actually had he on the show last week. She released a song about you." Niall looks up at the interviewer. "What?" He asks as the interviewer plays a clip from your song, it was clearly about Niall. He listened to the clip before he walked off the set. The interviewer quickly went to commercial as Harry went after Niall. "Niall wait up!" Harry yells jogging after him. "Harry, she hates me! I ruined everything, that song is about how I cheated on her and broke her heart! I just can't do it." Harry slows down in his tracks and looks past Niall. His hand goes up and points behind him. Niall turns around to see you standing there. "Surprise." You say as Niall runs and holds you in his arms. "What are you doing here?" He asks shocked. "I heard you were here and I needed to see you." You say wiping away one of Niall's tears. "I'm so sorry, (y/n)." He says hugging you again. "I'm sorry I wrote a song about you that made you look like an ass." You say as Niall giggles. "I still love you." He says as you smile. "I still love you too." You say before Niall leans in to kiss you. "So we can say we're back together?" He asks after your lips part. "Yes!" You yell excitedly as Niall picks you up, spinning you around.

Zayn: Since yours and Zayn's recent split you've been working in song writing and you wrote a song that you had the chance to record. Of course it was about the break up and how much you missed Zayn. You never expected it to get as big as it did. Every week you had a new interview, all the same questions. One day you got sick of it all and went back home. You spent the week in Bradford. You decided you wanted to go see your ex's mum. She was really good at giving advice. She didn't mind that you and Zayn broke up, she still treated you like family. You knocked at the door as a boy answered. "(y/n)?" Zayn asked as you looked up. His eyes were puffy and red, his hair was a mess. Even though it had already been a month since you split up. "Zayn, why are you here?" You ask as he brings you inside. "I miss you. I heard the song you wrote about me and I didn't know I hurt you so much. I'm sorry." He said as you hugged him. "I miss you two, Zayn." You mumble into his shirt. Taking in his scent. "Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asks sticking out his bottom lip a bit. You smile and nod as he kissed you. "Wait." He says taking out his phone. He takes you into his room to where his mirror was. He kissed you while taking a photo. He then tweeted it out with the caption my baby girl

Louis: You spend all day up in your hotel room, singing sad breakup songs and crying. Your best friend came into your room. "(y/n) sweetie you're a wreck. We need to get you out of here!" He said dragging you to your feet. You did your hair and makeup and he handed you your sunglasses you walked out into the lobby where paparazzi were waiting for you. The cameras flashed as you crawled into the back of the limo. "Can we get some Starbucks?" You ask as (y/bff/n) nods. When you walk into Starbucks there was already paps swarming the outside. When you got in, (y/bff/n) went to order as you sat down. "(y/n)?" A familiar Doncaster accent asked as you looked up to see your ex boyfriend Louis Tomlinson standing there. "Oh, Louis. Hi." You say awkwardly as he sits down. "How are you?" He asks as you shrug. "Interviews, being depressing you know." You say searching for your friend. "I-I miss you." He said as you turn to him. "No you don't." You spat as the anger boils up in you. "I can't sleep at knight knowing you hate me, (y/n)." He says quietly. "I can't sleep either but you know what Louis? I need to move on. You cheated and that's not something I'm willing to forgive." You say as your friend signals you over. Louis hangs his head as he watches you leave knowing he screwed up the best thing that ever happened to him.

Harry: "Harry Styles ex girlfriend a new pop sensation? Coming up." The news reporter says as Harry's head shoots up in response to his name. "(y/n)'s a singer?" He asked Zayn as he shrugged. "So Harry Styles' ex girlfriend (y/f/n) recently became famous overnight due to a song she wrote after recent split with pop singing of One Direction's Harry Styles. We got a chance to interview her and ask he a few questions about the new hit single." When you popped up on the tv Harry didn't know what to think. "So is this song about Harry?" The interviewer asked you, shaking your head. "I'm not allowed to say." You say adjusting your sunglasses on your. "Do you miss him?" You looked at the interviewer sadly nodding your head as tears buit up in your eyes. "More than anything." You say as you polity ask for the cameras to turn off. It goes back to live in the studio. "Will this mean more songs about Styles?" Harry turned off the tv. "Mate you need to call her." Zayn says as Harry looks back at him. "Why should I?" He states coldly. "You both are miserable." Zayn says leaving the room as Harry pulls out his cell phone dialing your number. "Please stop calling about Harry okay?" You mumble into the receiver. "It's him." Harry says as you gasp. "Harry?" you ask. "Can we meet up?" You answer slowly. "Sure. Starbucks in an hour okay?" You say as Harry agrees. When you walk into Starbucks Harry is sitting at a table with two drinks in hand. "For you." He says handing you a drink. "You remember my order?" You say taking a sip as he nods. "I miss you a lot (y/n)." He says as you choke on the drink. "I miss you too, Harry." You say as he smiles. "Can we start over?" You ask "Of course." He says leaning over the table to kiss you.

Liam: You were on Alan Carr Chatty man scheduled for the same day One Direction was going to be there. You had no clue until you were backstage and walked past your ex boyfriend Liam and his best friend Niall. "Was that (y/n)?" Liam asks Niall. "It sure looks like it, but why is she here?" Niall says as you walk to find Alan. "Alan darling!" You say running towards him. "Why are One Direction here?" You ask raising your eyebrow. "You're scheduled to be interviewed today." He said before you had to get ready. You walked past One Direction's dressing room as they sat watching the tv. "Welcome (y/f/n)!" He said as you waked down the stairs. You wave to the audience before Alan asks you if you want a drink. "That's right it's allowed in the UK!" You say as the audience laughs before he hands you a glass. "So your new single is out. It is a break up song. Is it about Liam?" He says leaning in as the crowd goes silence to hear your response. "Well I really shouldn't say but, it may have something to do with it." You shrug as the audience gasps. "Now one of the lines in the song says about how you'd take him back. Would you take Liam back?" Alan asks again as you nod. A picture of yo two comes up on the screen. "Alan, do you wanna make me cry!" You say as the image fades. "So you're not over him?" You shake your head. "He was the love of my life, of course I'm not over him. I would take him back if I had the chance." You say wiping a tear that escaped your eye. "You two were a lovely couple. A shame to see it ruined." Alan says as you go to commercial. You walked back to your dressing room when someone knocks at your door. "C'mon in." You say wiping your eyes. Liam slowly opens the door. "(y/n)?" He asks as you give him a weak smile. "Hi, Liam. List-" You say as he cuts you off. "I miss you." You couldn't reply. You felt your throat lock. His eyes flicked from your lips back to your eyes before you kissed him. He kissed back with his hands on your waist, pulling you closer. "So can we get back together?" He asks when you pull apart. "I'd love that." You smile as you peck him on the lips before returning to the stage to announce the news.


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