He doesn't understand you American slang

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Louis: Louis loved dating an American. Probably because he could make you talk for ever and ever and he could just listen to your accent. He found it sexy. You, of course, found that insane. British accents are sexy, not American. But, you would talk just to please him. So far, he hadn't had any trouble understanding your American slang, though you had plenty of trouble understnading his British slang. Something he teased you about mercifully. So, when the tables finally turned, you couldn't help but make fun of him for not understanding what you said. "My calculus professor is such a windbag!" You complained as you walked into the flat you shared and plopped onto the couch. "I hate his class! He is so boring!" Louis walked over to you, looking confused. "He's a what?" "A windbag." "What's a windbag?" "You don't know what a windbag is?" You smirked, a look on your face that made him feel stupid. "No...." "Seriously, Lous, seriously?" This continued on for several minutes until he had enough. He tackled you onto the floor and tickled you until you until you gave in and told him what it meant. "It means that he is boring and talks too much! Which makes sense seeing that I absolutely hate his class!" "Thank you for telling me." He said as he kissed you. "Just do it sooner next time." You rolled your eyes. Sure you would. In his dreams.

Zayn: Zayn and you weren't exactly in a relationship yet. You were in a flirtationship. A very involved flirtationship. You were hanging out together when you caught his eyes roaming up and down your body. You couldn't get mad at him, you were after all wearing hot pants and a crop top since it was way too hot for your liking that summer day. "Are you checking me out?" You asked him, a laugh invading your voice. "What? No." He protested. "Zayn, you are so checking me out." "Okay, I don't even know what you mean by that since I am not buying you at a grocery store, but I'm not checking you out." "It means that you're eyeing me like a piece of meat, doofus." "And so what if I am then?" He smirked, now understanding the meaning of the phrase. "Then you better act on it." And with that, he kissed you. End of flirtationship.

Liam: You and Liam were going on a surfing date together. And being from Southern California, you were not going to deny a chance to get into the water. You two arrived on the beach and your grinned looking out at the ocean, looking out at the blue water. It was a perfect surf day. "The big mama is fully mackin' some gnarly grinders today." You smiled,excited for the surfing to come. "What did you just say?" Liam asked, looking like a confused puppy. You laughed, forgetting the slight language barrier. "I said that there are some large waves out there today." "Well, you could have just said that." "I did." You replied. "In SoCal slang." He blushed and muttered something about stupid slang words and you giggled. You were never going to let him live that down.

Niall: It'd been a long day to say the least. It was filled with meetings and conference calls with horrid people you wouldn't talk to on your death bed. You were exhausted, only wanting to fall onto your couch, watch some t.v., and hopefully pass out. Niall knew this, settling down next to you, stroking your hair. "Bad day, huh?" You nodded as you rehashed almost everything that happened that day, skipping over the part where you may or may not have called your co-worker an ignorant bafoon. You were exhausted to say the least, lethargic might have been a better word. But Niall continued to stroke your hair as you ranted and whined. The good think about Niall was that he was a listener, he didn't interrupt, he let you do your thing as he tried to soothe you. "I'm just zonked out." You yelled exasperated as you closed your eyes. Niall's hand stopped mid-stroke, his nose wrinkling in confusion. "Honked?" he asked, genuinely confused. "Zonked" you corrected. "Konked?" He tried again. "Zonked" you said absent-mindedly. "Clonked?" he muttered to himself more than anything. "ZONKED. " you yelled through laughs. "AS IN I'M GOING TO PASS OUT FROM PURE EXHAUSTION." You grabbed the nearest thing to you, "I'm going to clonk you with this pillow if you don't stop." You threatened as his hand returned to stroking your hair as he let out a hearty laugh. "Zonked" he repeated with fascination, shaking his head and pressing a soft kiss to yours.

Harry: You and Harry had only been going out for a few months, but you were perfect for each other. Well, except for some communicating problems. You had no problem understanding his -sexy!- British accent and slang, as some of your friends growing up were part British, but he had some difficulty understanding your American way of speaking. When you two were alone at home, if you didn't understand each other, you would just take matters into the bedroom, or couch for that matter, and let your love do the talking. But in public it was a little harder. One day you decided to be adventurous, and take Harry sailing. You spent the day laughing, playing in the water, and racing the other boats. You had such a good time that you lost track of time, and realized that you were supposed to be at a meeting with your boss in 45 minutes. You quickly turned the boat around and speed to shore. Even though you felt horrible, you had to go so you told Harry that you had a wonderful day, but you had to bail to make your meeting in time. He glanced around the boat, then looked at you quizzically, saying "Alright, love, but I don't see any water." "What?" you exclaimed. "The boat....it's.... it's completely dry though." You realized the miscommunication and laughed. "Oh Haz Haz Haz, what shall I do with you?" After explaining that you just had to leave really quickly, he blushed and murmured an embarrassed "Oh." You giggled as his curls brushed your cheek as you went to give him a quick kiss before dashing off. Yep, your communication skills would get there eventually.


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