you babysit Lux

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Niall: "We should be back in an hour or so. Thanks so much for doing this. We wouldn't have bothered you two, but the sitter bailed last minute and..." Lou trailed off as you shook your head. "Lux is never a bother" you smiled, and she smiled back warmly. "Thanks" she said, waving as she walked out the door. You turned and faced Lux, with an expression that you knew meant trouble. You had baby sat Lux before, without Niall, and you knew she hated being left. "Lux" you whispered before she started bawling. Niall, who was holding her, looked at you with a frightened expression. "Come here baby girl" you said, taking her in your arms. You rocked her back and forth, and you noticed her calming down. She relaxed so much, she fell asleep. You put her in the play pen Lou had brought over for her, and Niall looked on astonished. "She went from freak out to out cold in five minutes. How?" he whispered, and you shrugged and smiled as you both walked to the couch. "That's so attractive, seeing you with kids" Niall said, and you smiled. "I love kids" you said, glancing back at the pen. "One day we will have kids, too" he whispered, kissing your cheek as you smiled.

Zayn: You and Zayn had offered to take Lux out for the day to give Lou and Tom a break. You had been to the park, for ice cream and on a long walk. "Where now?" Zayn asked, and you looked at Lux. She looked like she hadn't lost a touch of energy, dancing and holding your hand. "I have an idea" you said, scooping Lux up and walking towards the car. She cooed as you buckled her into her car seat, before getting behind the wheel. Zayn was already in the passenger seat. "Where we going?" he asked, and you pulled out of the spot. "Ever heard of Eddie Catz?" you asked, and Zayn looked at you funny. "It's an indoor play place. You know Helene, my friend? She takes her daughter there all the time. I went one time, she'll love it" you said, driving across town. You got to the building, and brought Lux in. You played with her in the play area, took her on all the kiddie rides and helped her in the bouncy chair. She never stopped laughing. She eventually tired out, and cuddled in close to your chest as you walked to the car. "I love seeing this side of you" Zayn said. "What, playing with kids?" you asked, leaning over to put Lux in her seat and revealing her huge smile. "Yeah. You're so good at it" Zayn said, kissing your cheek before getting in the car.

Louis: As a favour to Lou, you offered to watch Lux while she was busy doing up all the boys. You could only really take her around the arena the boys were playing at, but it was good enough for you. You managed to get your hands on a clothing cart and, holding Lux, you used your legs to propel you down the hall. She screamed and laughed, as you bumped her up and down. "Is there room for another passenger?" you heard a familiar voice ask from behind you. "Sure thing chicken wing" you said, scooting forward as Louis stood behind you. "All aboard! The Lux Express now leaving the station" you called, and Louis started pushing the cart forward as you made train sounds. Lux was bouncing on her own, so excited she could barely handle it. Louis took a turn, and even you laughed as he sped down a hall. You held Lux tight and Louis took the next turn. "Faster" she laughed, and you smiled as Louis sped up slightly. The last turn came, and Louis took it really quick. You put your leg down lightly to keep balance as Louis raced for the dressing room. "Now arriving at Mummy Station" you announced to Lux, as you pulled out front of Lou. She scooped Lux up, but she grabbed for you. "I can't wait until you two goofballs have a baby" she laughed, as she walked in the dressing room to tidy her things up. "Me neither" Louis said, and you laughed.

Liam: "Do you think she will ever stop crying?" Liam asked, and you dropped your head on the back of the couch. Lou and Tom were out at a concert, and you offered to watch Lux for the night. You had tried to put her to bed two hours ago, but she wouldn't settle. "Let me try something" you said, standing up. Liam followed behind you as you went to the room where Lux was sleeping. You opened the door and Lux screamed and rattled her crib door. "Okay baby girl, come here" you said, picking her up. You sat in the rocking chair you had in your spare room, and Liam leaned against the dresser across from you. "You are so beautiful to me" you sang, rocking Lux back and forth. She stared up at you, and her crying stopped. "You are so beautiful to me, can't you see? You're everything I hoped for and you're everything I need. You are so beautiful, to me" you sang, and Lux's eyes fluttered closed. You kept rocking, humming the song to her until her breathing became light and she was asleep. You slowly placed her in her crib and you and Liam snuck out. "How did you know that would work?" Liam asked, taking your hand. "I didn't, I just know that's what my parents did to put me to sleep. I just thought singing would work" you said, and Liam smiled. "You're incredible" he whispered, kissing your cheek as you both tip toed to bed.

Harry: Lux had been asking for Harry, and you and Harry decided to spend an afternoon with her. Harry was like an uncle to her, but Lux didn't really know you yet. You picked Lux up and were driving around trying to figure out what to do. "What about the Z-O-O?" Harry asked. "Zoo!" Lux said excitedly, and you smiled. "You're too smart for your own good" Harry said. "Zoo sounds lovely" you smiled, and Harry drove towards the zoo. You arrived and Harry got Lux's stroller out while you bought tickets. He brought the stroller up just as you got to the booth. "Here babe" he said, and you handed him Lux. "Two adults and one child please" you smiled at the elderly lady. "She looks just like you" she smiled, printing the tickets. "You two made a beautiful daughter" she added, sliding you the tickets. "Thanks" you smiled, not wanting to explain it to her. You could hear Harry chuckle in the background. You took Lux all over the zoo, and she saw all the different animals. You did your best to teach her all the noises, and she caught on quick. At the end of the day, the three of your got ice cream. "This could work for us" Harry said, totally out of the blue. "What?" you asked, helping Lux eat her ice cream. "You, me... A child" he said, and you smiled. The three of you went to the car and drove home.


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