Strip tease *requested*

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Harry: "You looked so sexy tonight" Harry says, watching as you take your earrings off from his spot on the edge of the bed. "Thanks babe" you say, looking at his reflection in the mirror. "Would you strip for me?" he asks and you turn to lean against the dresser to look at him. "You want me to strip?" you ask and he nods shyly. "Ok" you say, intrigued at the thought. Harry smiles, standing he messes around on his iPhone for a moment before plugging it into the iHome. He sits back down as the slow, sexy beat fills the room. You watch him for a moment before pushing forward to move to the beat. You keep your eyes on his as you step closer, spinning around for him to unzip the back of your dress. You pull it off slowly, letting the dress pool at your feet before kicking it away. You run your hands up and down your sides before reaching around you to unhook your bra and toss it to Harry who holds it in his hand. You smile at him while hooking your fingers in the sides of your panties, looking down shyly. "You don't have to keep going" Harry says huskily from the edge of the bed. You look up at him from between your strands of hair before pushing the material over your hips until you step out of them and stand before him naked. "I lied... you look so sexy like this" Harry tells you, pulling you onto his lap as you giggle.

Liam: "That was the loudest concert yet" Liam exclaims, jumping back on the bed behind him as you chuckle while trying to undo your boots. Liam sits back on the bed, watching as you kick your boots away before he sits on the edge. "Strip" he says and you raise an eyebrow at you. You unbutton your top, tossing it aside as you smile shyly. You slide out of the leggings you'd worn for the concert and toss them to the floor, leaning forward to press your lips to his. Hooking your fingers in your panties you pull them off, shimmying them down your legs before reaching around to unhook your bra. You bite your lips as you stand completely naked before him as he lets his eyes wash over you before standing. "Gods, you're hot" he tells you, pulling you down onto the bed.

Niall: "I just want to see you strip, right now" Niall sings to himself as you pull your hair up into a messy, top knot. "What?" you ask, turning around to face your boyfriend as he sits on your dorm room bed. "I... uh, I was just singing to myself" he stammers and you nod. "But, you should, you know, strip" he says, watching you look at him through the mirror. "In my dorm room?" you ask, turning to look at Niall as he shrugs. "You're gonna take your clothes off anyway, so why not?" Niall questions and you blush. You turn your music on before you take a deep breath. "You don't have to do it... it was just a suggestion" he assures you but you shake your head while pulling your sweater over your head slowly. You move to the beat as Niall watches your body as it's slowly bared to him. He's clutching the sports bra you'd worn under your sweater in his hand as you shimmy out of your jeans to kick them away. You wink at him before hooking your fingers in your panties and pull them down your legs before standing before him. "So hot" he murmurs, pulling you onto his lap as you kiss him. "I'll work on it" you promise and he chuckles. "So lucky."

Louis: He was never shy about requesting to see your dance moves. He would put on some Chris Brown and blatantly say "Dance for me." You always laughed at his forwardness, but still obliged to his request. He sits in the chair he sat in the corner of his bedroom for these occasions as you begin to undress slowly. He's vocal as to what he wants you to remove first and last, eyes tracing your body as its bared to him. "Damn, you're sexy" he whispers lowly as you lean over him in the chair, tugging your panties down your legs. He sets his hands on your hips before pulling you forward, legs spreading so you straddle him as he praises you for your moves.

Zayn: Every time you walked through the door from work and go upstairs to change, he would always follow you and turn on some music that would be better found in a nightclub. You chuckle to yourself as he plops down on your bed, leaning back as you give him what he wants. You strip out of your clothes slowly, giving him teasing winks and smiles before you're completely bare before him. He gives you a head nod and you bust out laughing because no matter how mysterious Zayn can be, he'll always be the dorky boyfriend watching you strip.


Instagram: loveebritish_

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