He finds out that you're flexible

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Liam: "I didn't know you could do that." He muttered as he walked into the living room glancing down at you in a middle spilt with your arms stretched out in front of you. You peered up at him with furrowed brows, "I'm not doing anything. Just stretching a bit." You let out a breath sitting up but still in the split. "How do you even do that babe? Doesn't it hurt?" He questioned motioning to your stretched out legs and you shook your head. "Feels quite good honestly." And he stared down at you with an amused face. "You're quite weird babe."

Louis: "Do it then." He challenged with you straddling his waist and his hands placed beneath his head. You narrowed your eyes at him and you lifted your leg placing it behind your head. "I told you I could do it jerk." You smirked as he stared up at you in amazement. He reached over and grabbed his phone pointing it at you, "Don't move...this is going to be my new background." He chuckled as you stuck your tongue at the camera as the click went off. "You're going to get stuck." He laughed as you continued making faces at him with your leg placed easily over your head.

Niall: He watched with a grin as you lean over and grab a hold of your ankles. "So you do yoga princess?" He asked as you stared at him from your position. "Yeah you should try it some time." You said smiling at him. "This means your flexible..." He said slowly as you stood up properly and turned around toward him nodding your head. "Quite a bit actually." "That means we can try some new things...if you know what I mean." He said winking his eye at you repeatedly. "You're a freak babe." You said laughing stretching out your arms. "You have no idea."

Harry: You placed on the chair as you did another oversplit for your other leg. Wiping the towel over his face, Harry blindly walking into the living room. Letting the towel drop from his face he stared at you with widened eyes. "Uh what in the world are you doing?" He asked his eyes raking over your legs. "Stretching..." You said slowly as it was quite obvious. "Your leg can go up that high?" He questioned as he lowered himself in front of you examining the position you sat in. "This looks painful." He mumbled as he plopped down beside you and tried copying you. "Harry stop before you hurt yourself." You said trying not to laugh.

Zayn: He walked in on you doing one of your yoga poses on the floor, your foot nearly touching the top of your head. "How are you doing this?" He asked staring down at you as you breathed slowly. You lowered your leg and placed your legs in front of you smiling up at him as he peeled off his jacket and shirt. "It's easy." You shrugged and his eyebrows rose. "That's far from easy babe...if it were easy I could probably do it and I can't." He said standing in front of you. "Anyway when did you become so flexible?" He asked as you lowered stretching out your legs. "I've always been." You said quietly and he smiled. "We should put your flexibility to a test."


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