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Louis: Louis had never been on public displays of affection. It's hard to believe as he's always so loud and optimistic in crowds but, Louis didn't want to be seen as the clingy type in public. So usually, if the two of you were ever out together, he'd simply wrap an arm around your shoulders, or your waist and that'd be it. Maybe, sometimes, he'd hold you hand as you walked with him, for safety and fear of fans surrounding you, that is. But whenever he feels there is no attention around, he's the same old Louis you love and adore. He becomes the kissy-touchy feely boyfriend in private, and sly and snide in public.

Zayn: You could believe it, the mysterious dark character as he was, he was a cute sweetheart. It's like he wanted everyone to know he was yours. Even the barista at a local coffee shop. If his head isn't resting on yours on his shoulder, then he's either kissing you or wrapping his arms around your waisting, full frontal hugging. When you two walk, usually one hand is intwined with his and the other arm is swinging by his side casually, though it's obvious he just wants to be wrapped around you.

Niall: Everyone alway though Niall would be a big one on PDA's, but nothing could be further from the truth. He loves spending time with you, and he'll take any chance to just go out with you from time to time due to his busy schedule, but he limits the amount of kissing and touching there is. You may feel the need to peck his cheek now and then, and he'll allow it, but when there's fans around or the pap, he always makes sure not to kiss you or anything drastic. He does this because he knows how jealous and protective the haters of the fandom could get.

Harry: Harry, being the lovey dovey, nauseatingly romantic target that he was, always tried to live up to his rep. So he was always always clinging onto you. There's a big chance he could loose you in a crowd and to him, that could never happen. So if the two of you ever stopped in a line, or even just stood there for a second, Harry goes behind you and wraps his arms around your chest, resting his head in the crook between your neck and shoulder. You would never forget the daggers he shot the guys who had the guts to even look at you. And how, very shortly after, Harry would kiss the side of your neck softly.

Liam: Huge PDA lover. He couldn't adore it more. Liam felt that if you had someone to share this fantastic feeling with, you should just showcase it. Telling everyone how much he loved you was one of Liam's favorite things. And one way to do that was by extreme public displays of affection. If you two ever walked anywhere, he kept your hips close to his by stringing his arm around you waist, pulling you close. Every now and then he'd plant small butterfly kisses to your forehead and mumble something sweet to you.


Any request

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