Watching the Super Bowl

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Is anybody gonna watch the Super Bowl cause I am. If you are what team are you going for. I'm going for the Broncos.

Harry- "That was a horrible call!" Harry yelled at the television as the ref threw a flag.

You couldn't help but laugh, "Harry, do you even know what they called it for?" You asked, wondering if the English boy had any clue as to how football worked.

His cheeks flushed slightly, "Well, not really. But it didn't look fair!"

You let out a louder laugh this time. "Okay, well, he called it because that guy," You pointed to one of the players on defense. "Tackled the guy on offense after he threw the pass. Can't do that."

He looked at you, shocked. "You know football?"

"Yep. My dad and I watched it all the time when I was little."

He looked impressed at this new found knowledge. The rest of the game, he asked you questions about what was going on. You both got really into it.

Liam- "Hey babe." You said as you entered the living room.

"Hey, Y/N." Liam said as he sat on the couch flipping through channels.

"Whatcha doin'?" You asked, sitting next to him. He automatically wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned further into him.

"Just looking for something to watch." He concentrated before an idea seemed to pop into his head. "We could watch the Super Bowl."

"Didn't know you were such a fan of American football, Liam." You said as he turned on the correct channel.

He let out a small laugh. "I'm not really. Niall and Harry were talking about it earlier."

"Well, it's fine with me." The two of you settled down and watched as the game started. Ten minutes in, neither of you had any idea what was going on.

Louis- "Come on, Y/N. Put the book down and watch the game!" Louis chided you as he intently watched the Super Bowl.

"No thanks, Lou." You said offhandedly as you turned the page in your book.

"Suit yourself." Louis said, turning his attention back to the intense football game.

You couldn't help but glance at the T.V. when ever Louis would yell in excitement or frustration. By the end of the game, you were right beside he, shouting obscenities at the calls the refs made and cheering when your team scored.

Niall- "GO, GO, GO, GO! TOUCHDOWN!" You yelled turning to Niall in excitement. He was just as excited as you because the two of you were cheering for the same team.

"That's right! Harry's gonna owe us money tomorrow!" Niall said, giving you a high five. You had both bet Harry that your team was going to win.

The two of you had a lot of snacks sitting in front of you, occasionally getting in little food fights. Both of your favorite parts was calling Harry at the end of the game to brag about the money he now owed the two of you.

Zayn- "Zayn! I'm home!" You called entering the hall in your flat. The T.V. was really loud so he didn't hear you. You took off your coat and shoes and made your way to the living room.

You walked around the corner and burst out laughing at the sight you saw.

There was Zayn, doing a touchdown dance in the middle of your living room. He stopped and looked up, blushing a vibrant shade of red. "Hey, Y-Y/N. Didn't think you would be home this soon."

"My boss let us go early because he wanted to get home to watch the Super Bowl." Your smile was so wide it almost hurt. You burst into another round of laughter.

"Come here." Zayn said, wrapping you in a huge hug.

"I'm never letting you live that down." You said through your giggles.

Zayn sighed, "I figured that."


Go Broncos ❤

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