You go trick or treating together

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Louis: As you walked out of your home, candy bags in hand, you admired yours and you children's costumes. Louis had to work for the night, so you got to take the kids out for Halloween. You were dressed as Wendy Darling, with your oldest son dressed as Captain Hook and your youngest as Michael Darling. "But I want Daddy to come, too", your youngest said. You picked him up and walked him out of the house. "I know, sweetheart, but he has to work." You handed them their candy bags, sighing. Out of nowhere, you heard a voice call, "Who's ready to go to Neverland?!" Grinning, you looked up and saw your husband dressed as Peter Pan sitting on your low roof. He waved as the kids called out to him. Louis hopped off of the roof and ran over to you. "I thought you had to work," you said. He kissed you and said, "Nothing can take me away from my Wendy and kids." He gasped when your oldest said, "Peter Pan! Fight me!" Louis grabbed a small branch as he drew his fake sword. "En Garde," Louis said. As Louis let your son win, you smiled, and he said, "And we're off, to Neverland! And candy!"

Liam: "Li, you almost ready?" It was Halloween night, and you were taking your son out for the holiday. You and Liam kept your costumes secret from each other, and only Liam knew what your son wanted to be. They were upstairs getting ready as you put the finishing touches on your Jessie from Toy Story costume. You knew Liam and your son would enjoy it, and you did too. "Just about," he called back, "I'm sending him down!" You walked to the bottom of the stairs, leaning against the railing. You heard your son's footsteps as he flew down the first flight of stairs. He turned the corner and you saw that he was Buzz Lightyear! You held your arms open and he flew into them. "Wow, Buzz, you're faster than I remember," you said to him, smiling and kissing the top of his head. "Where's your Dad?" He pointed to the top of the stairs, where Liam was standing, staring at you. He was Woody. "Jessie!" "Howdy, Woody!" He came down the stairs and kissed your cheek, "You look beautiful." You grinned at him and said, "I can't believe this. We didn't plan it!" Liam shook his head, "No, but it just proves how perfect we are for each other." He picked up your son, "Alright, partners, time to get some candy!"

Zayn: "You need to stay still, babe," you said to your daughter as you applied her makeup. You and Zayn were taking her trick-or-treating, and she decided what you were all going to be. A family of vampires, she took after Zayn's mysteriousness. "I don't want all of this makeup, though!" You smiled, "Hush, almost done." Zayn came in, ready to go, and looked at your daughter. "There are my lovely girls!" You picked up your daughter and rested her on your hip, giving Zayn a peck on the lips. "Almost ready?" You asked him. He nodded, "I'll take her, you go change." Minutes later, you came down the stairs, ready to go. Zayn and your daughter were in the entryway, and he was teaching her how to act like a vampire. "Love," he explained, "Grab your cape cloak thing, whatever it is, and hold it over your face so we can only see your eyes." Doing as he said, she asked, "Like this?" You gasped, unintentionally drawing their attention, "You're so scary, sweetheart!" Zayn raised his eyebrows at you and smirked, "Well don't you look," he said, walking up to you and whispering, "Sexy" in your ear. You felt your cheeks warm as you playfully hit his arm. "Quiet," you scolded, only making his smirk bigger. "Okay, ready to go, little vampire?" Your daughter nodded and headed for the door.

Harry: "(Y/N), where's my hat?" Harry called to you from upstairs. You rolled your eyes, "Isn't it hanging on the doorknob?" You waited for an answer, which was, "Oh yeah. Sorry, babe!" You giggled, knocking on the bathroom, "Are you almost done? I can help you if you want." Your young daughter called back, "I'm fine, Mommy! I'm coming out!" Your daughter opened the door and stepped out, twirling for you. "Don't you look adorable!" You grinned and ran your fingers through your hair, "Why don't you go find Dad and show him?" She nodded and ran upstairs.It was her idea for you two to match costumes as Alice in Wonderland. Soon, they came down together holding hands. Harry, as the Mad Hatter, winked at you. "You both look great," he said. Your daughter was holding her arms above her head and she asked, "Daddy, can I try on your hat?" He laughed, "Of course, although I think it'll be a bit big!" Harry placed it on her head, and it fell to her shoulders, covering her entire head. You all laughed, "Hold still, sweetheart, let me get a picture. Harry, get in it too!" Harry kneeled down next to your daughter with a shocked expression. You grinned and snapped the picture. "Okay, off we go," you said, opening the door. You daughter handed you back Harry's hat, and you reached to put it on his head. He grabbed your hands and put them around his neck before he said, "I love you," and gave you a kiss. "I love you, too," you replied, taking his hand and walking out of the house.

Niall: You smiled at Niall and your daughter, all dressed up for Halloween. She insisted that he dress up as a king with her as the princess. He walked up to you and asked, "Will you fix my bowtie?" You nodded, staring into his blue eyes as you did so. He smiled and picked up your daughter, who looked at you, confused. You furrowed your brow and reached for her hand, "What's wrong?" She asked, "Why are you dressed like that?" You looked down at your costume. You had no idea what else to be, so you decided to be a maid. "It's my costume, love, what's wrong with it?" She shrugged, "Nothing, but, Daddy," she said, looking at Niall, "Is it allowed for a king to be married to a maid? Because Mommy still has to be my mommy, even on Halloween." He glanced at you, "Well," he began, "A king can marry anyone he wants, if he loves her enough. How about this for the story? King Niall had just been crowned, and he was looking for a wife." He reached out for your hand, which you gratefully took. "He was looking for a long time, but it turned out that he was looking in the wrong places." He looked to you as he finished the story, "Soon, he figured out that he had been in love with someone for a very long time, a beautiful maid, (Y/N). So, they got married, had a lovely daughter, and lived happily ever after." You felt your eyes water a little, and your daughter grinned. "Fair enough," she said, "Can we go now?!" You both laughed, "Absolutely," you said. Niall put her down and enveloped you in a hug. "I love you very much," he said. You kissed his cheek in reply, opening the door for your daughter to scamper out.


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