He catches one of the boys checking you out

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Louis: "Let's go in the pool, in the pool," you start making up a song and singing it, plopping your beach bag down and sliding off your sunglasses. Louis laughs and slides off his shirt, tossing it on the lounge chair. Soon, he's joined you in your song and Niall is drumming along to the beat with his fingers. You slide your cover-up off, revealing a neon pink bikini. You notice Louis watching you with interest, but you also see Niall looking you up and down from the corner of your eye. Louis shoots the younger boy a glare and clears his throat loudly, causing the blonde to blush and look away. "Niall, go look at pictures of Demi Lovato on your phone instead," Louis scoffs, wrapping his arm around your waist possessively. Rawr!

Liam: "Wow, those shorts are....wow," Liam watches you step into the room and gives you a smile, clearly surprised. "Thank you," you smile, giving him a twirl and a model-esque pose. "Those shorts are wow," Zayn muses, noticing how they make your legs look miles long. Liam shoots Zayn a disapproving glare, causing the Bradford boy to shrug and look away. "Hey Zayn, don't you have a girlfriend? Perrie?" Liam says sternly, raising an eyebrow. "You know, I have a girlfriend. (Y/N) is MY girlfriend." You shoot them both a confused smile, you'd been oblivious to Zayn checking you out and you were wondering why Liam had suddenly gotten so...defensive. "Right. Sorry, mate," Zayn gives Liam a shy smile and gives you a small wave before heading out of the room.

Zayn: "Wow, that dress is really...fitted," Zayn's eyes travel from the hem of the dress to the neckline and he bites his lip, reaching up to adjust his bow tie. Tonight you were accompanying Zayn (and the boys) to the VMAs and you were certainly dressed to impress. "Wow! You look amazing!" Liam compliments, sliding on his own suit jacket and blushing as he takes in your outfit. "She does look amazing," Zayn smiles, shooting Liam a warning glare. "Thank you Liam," you reply, smoothing out the wrinkles from your dress. Liam nods and takes one last look at you in the dress and Zayn goes to say something but you shoot Zayn a threatening look. He could get a little bit too defensive sometimes, something you found really hot, but you didn't mind Liam's sweet compliments and you knew you totally looked good, his eyes would probably the first of many on you that night!

Harry: "Niall, did you know that people's eyes are on their faces?" Harry notices Niall's eyes lingering on your chest as you retell the funny story that had happened this morning and the blonde blushes. "And did you know that as hard as it is to believe, (Y/N)'s eyes are up here," Harry continues, pointing to your eyes and protectively wrapping his arm around your waist. "Sorry," Niall smirks, shaking his head. You roll your eyes and tug up the neckline of your shirt, not quite surprised at the blonde's behavior. He was just a teenage boy after all, and you had to admit...this shirt certainly did your chest justice. "So, anyway, continue your story," Niall says after a moment of uncomfortable silence, keeping his eyes anywhere but on you.

Niall: "Wow, that's a very interesting outfit," Harry grins, shaking his head in disbelief. With a sigh, you adjust the rather short and tight dress, shooting Niall a wink from across the room. "It is indeed. It's my friend's bachelorette party and she's making us all wear these," you explain, tugging down the horrifically short hem once more. "She's got good taste," Harry purrs, giving you a once over. "She's taken," Niall growls, with as much of a threatening tone as he can muster. "I know, I know," Harry smiles, giving the blonde a wink. "I was just admiring what a lovely...fabric the dress is made of," he replies cheekily. Even though both you and Niall know he was obviously not drooling over the dress' fabric, you both let it slide. Harry was cheeky when he wanted to be, but you know he'd never really do anything disrespectful or try to get between you and Niall. At the end of the day, he was a nice lad.


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