You're his celebrity crush

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Liam: You sat down in the big red chair, smiling back at Ellen DeGeneres. She started in on the usual, asking about your new movie and how life on set was. And then the question you had been absolutely dreading was asked. "So, (Y/N), do you happen to have a boyfriend?" Ellen asked. You shook your head. "Would you like to?" You laughed and shrugged. "I mean, I don't know," you blushed, feeling embarrassed. "Because I know someone who'd like to date you," she continued. You groaned and covered your face, peeking at Ellen through your fingers. She was pointing up at the screen, letting you know you should watch. A video jumped to life, showing the boys of One Direction from a few days before. You hadn't seen the episode, but your Twitter followers had let you know what had been said, so you were prepared. Liam, who was, personally, your favorite member, was pestered to admit his celebrity crush, just like all of the other boys. He shyly admitted your name, sucking in his lips as the crowd awed. The video stopped and everyone's attention was on you, waiting for a reaction. "I mean...he's obviously very cute..." you blushed. "You're welcome in advance," Ellen grinned as the audience laughed.

Zayn: You pulled your baseball cap farther over your head, glancing nervously around the grocery store. All you had wanted was to slip into the store unnoticed and grab a few items. So far, you had been successful and not even the cashier had noticed when you entered the store. And then you heard some screams. Panic ran through your veins and you peeked out from the aisle, seeing a group of girls standing outside of the glass windows. You cursed under your breath, sneaking back into the aisle, and bumping right into another body. Whipping around, you began apologizing. "'re..." the guy's voice trailed off as he stared at you wide-eyed from behind his sunglasses. "Please don't scream, I'm begging you," you pleaded. He pulled off his glasses, and you cocked your headed to the site is recognized his dark hair and familiar face. "Wait..." "I'm Zayn," he smiled, pushing his hands into his pockets. "I know," you laughed, "So those people aren't out there for me?" He turned and looked at them quickly before turning back to you and shaking his head. "Oh thank God," you smiled breathlessly, "I finally made it through a day without getting mobbed." "Zayn!" you heard called as another member of his band entered the aisle. You knew his name was Louis, but that was about it. His blues eyes glanced between the two of you, before resting on you for a while, your face clicking in his mind. "Zayn, is this who I think it is?" The dark-haired Brit nodded, running his tongue over his lips as Louis turned to you again, a wide smile on his face. "Zayn has the most massive crush on you, (Y/N)!" he told you. "He sings all of your songs and watches your interviews." "I do not, Louis," Zayn mumbled, eyes on the ground and an embarrassed smile on his face. You felt a blush come over your face, laughing nervously. "Well how about I give you my number and we can work out a time you can come to one of the shows, yeah?" Zayn's head rose and he met your eyes. "I'd like that," he admitted, a grin lighting up his face.

Louis: The flashing lights were becoming too much for your eyes as you stood on the red carpet, smiling for the cameras. Your manager moved you towards the t.v. cameras where interviewers were anxiously waiting for you to arrive and answer questions. Just as you were telling Ryan Seacrest how grateful you were to be given a chance to star in a movie, even louder screams erupted and Ryan chuckled. "Seems like One Direction finally arrived," he told you. You threw a glance over your shoulder at the boys, seeing their eyes already on you. Harry whispered something to Louis , who was still watching you intently. He nodded before starting over towards you and Ryan. "I'm really sorry to interrupt," he told you, putting a hand on the small of your back, "but the boys would kill me if I didn't come talk to you." "It's totally fine," you giggled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "And I am also being forced to admit that I have a bit of a crush on you, too," he confessed, a hand on the back of his neck. Ryan stood back, watching the two of you go back and forth, making each other laugh, forgetting the tv cameras were rolling.

Niall: "(Y/N)? There's some people here to see you," your manager said as she peeked her head in the doorway of your dressing room. You stared in the mirror, plucking a stray eyebrow as you waved them in. A group of five guys entered, and you slowly turned to face the members of One Direction. "Uhh hi guys," you smiled warmly. "Hi, (Y/N)," Harry grinned. "We were just doing a shoot down the lot and a little birdie told us you were here too," Louis chirped, a hand on the blonde, Niall's, shoulder. "What's that Paul?" Zayn asked, his head turned towards a non-existent voice, "Yeah, Lou, Harry, Liam and I will be right there!" They shoved an embarrassed Niall forward and he scratched his head as his friends disappeared out the door. "I uhh...I'm Niall." "I know," you smiled, a blush covering your face, "You're probably my favorite." His ears perked up and he bit his bottom lip. "I really like your music and the guys seem to think I have a bit of a crush on you," he admitted. You tried to hide the smile that was coming over your face. "We'll I think I've got my new, unreleased song on my iPod, do you wanna hear it?" He nodded, watching you press play. As he listened to it, he snuck smiles at you. "Maybe the lads were right; I do have a bit of a crush on you," he winked. "Likewise," you smiled.

Harry: "Now Harry," Alan Carr began, provoking a groan from him, "Louis told me backstage that you have a new celebrity crush." Harry sent a glare down the couch to Louis, who was stifling a laugh. "Now you have to fess up, Harry," Alan smirked. You sat back down on your sofa, swirling your fork around a piece of spaghetti and watching the show, listening to the boys prod Harry to admit who his celebrity crush was. "Well its ehrmm..." Harry swiped a curl out of his eyes, glancing down at his lap as he but his lip. "It's (Y/N)!" Niall shouted from next to Louis as he and his partner in crime collapsed in a fit of laughter. Your fork clattered to your plate as you stared at the television screen, your eyes wide. "She's a cutie, isn't she?" Alan teased Harry as he covered his face, his dimples peeking through, "Someone, for the love of God, set them up." You stuck your tongue in your cheek, fighting the smile that came along with having a cute curly-haired boy band member crushing on you.


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