another celebrity talks about your relationship

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Harry: "So Jennifer, we have to talk about you being at the VMAs last night. How was that?" Jimmy Fallon asked, and Jennifer Lawrence smiled. You were an insanely big fan and, while cooped up in your hotel in Las Vegas waiting to head back to England, you wouldn't rather watch anything. "Well, I just love going to the VMAs. It's not like you have to go really dressed up in gowns, the age group is closer to my age. I mean, if I have to leave my house and go to an award show, that's a good one to go to" she said, and you smirked. "Now we have a few pictures of you with some other stars. Let's take a look and you give me the dirt, okay?" he explained, and Jennifer nodded. The first picture came up and it was Jennifer looking off in the distance with a smiling Rhianna. "She's awesome! And her heels had spikes on them! She could have killed someone. That's pretty cool" she explained, and you giggled along with the crowd. Next came a picture of Jennifer smiling wide with Russell Brand. "He's cool, actually. The hair was a little overwhelming, I just wanted to brush it and use a lot of leave in conditioner. But he's so funny" she said, and Jimmy nodded. The next picture came up and your eyes went wide. "Harry! Babe!" you called to Harry, who was in the bathroom washing his face. He came out with a towel, wiping his face, and sat next to you. "Okay you know what, seriously, I love them. I want them to adopt me. Is that weird? But seriously Y/N is so funny and sweet and just the best. She is a lot like me, of course. And Harry is actually really funny. The little comments he made had me doubled over. I love these two. I seriously hope we get to get together soon, I just, yeah. If you're watching this guys I promise I won't be following you to the UK so don't file a restraining order. Just, adoption papers" she said, and you smiled wide. "She's awesome" Harry said, going back to the bathroom. You got your phone out and tweeted '@jimmyfallon tell Jennifer she's welcome in london with us anytime! and we have already hired a lawyer! #futuredaughter #mamaandpapastyles'.

Niall: "Ariana, you are currently dating Jai Brooks correct?" Ryan Seacrest asked, and you nodded, knowing it to be true. "Yeah, we're still together. It's awesome having him in my life, he's so supportive" her high voice rang through your car. You smiled, knowing what she meant as you glanced at Niall who was asleep against the window of your car. You were driving back from a friend's party in Crawley, and Niall had fallen asleep. You let your hand fall into Niall's lap, rubbing his thigh. You turned up the satellite radio Niall had bought you so you could listen to their interviews all around the world. You turned up the radio slightly to hear the interview. "So Ariana, how do you cope with all the media attention? How do you cope with all of this?" Ryan asked, and she giggled. "You know, I actually take a lot of cues from Y/N and her way of dealing with things with Niall. I see her dealing with a lot more from media and even fans than I do. I'm lucky Jai's fans are, for the most part, very supportive. I feel bad for some of the stuff Y/N deals with, she's a very tough girl" Ariana said, and you smiled. "Yeah, Y/N has been put through the ringer. Do you know how she puts up with it? Is that how you mean 'taking cues'?" Ryan asked. "More so just the way she carries herself. I have a lot of respect for Y/N and her constant sophistication" Ariana said, and your smile widened. The interview continued, and you pulled into the drive way. When you got in, you texted Ariana and thanked her for her kind words.

Liam: "Liam Hemsworth everyone!" Jimmy Kimmel announced, and you pulled the covers up and over you and Liam as you laid in bed. You were on tour with Liam, and before bed you were watching Kimmel. The boys were going on Kimmel the next day, and you were calling this 'research'. Liam took your hand under the covers, and you rested your head on his shoulder. Liam Hemsworth walked out, and Kimmel shook his hand. The two of them talked briefly, before the inevitable came out. "So how's Miley?" Kimmel asked, nonchalantly. You and Liam smirked at each other. Miley was in New York too, and the four of you had gone out to dinner the night before. You figured that would be brought up soon. "She's great, we're enjoying both having downtime together. It's really nice being able to spend time together" he answered. "And how about spending time with another famous Liam and his girlfriend?" Kimmel asked, and a picture of the four of you eating on a patio flashed up. "I look-" "Breathtaking" Liam cut you off, and you smiled at him. "Yeah, they're great. I love the two of them. Sweetest couple in the world. They totally deserve each other" Liam Hemsworth said, and you smiled. "So they're cool then? Not really stuck up or anything?" Kimmel asked and Liam started shaking his head. "God no, they're great. I can't say enough good about Liam and Y/N" he said, and you kissed Liam's cheek. You grabbed your phone and called Miley, telling her to thank Liam for what he said and that you should all get together again soon.

Louis: "Cody Simpson, everyone" Alan Carr announced, and you gave Cody a little applause in your chair. "Hey, hey" Louis smirked, dropping on the couch beside you. You smirked mischievously and Louis gave you a noogie. "So, Cody, how are you enjoying England?" Alan asked. "I'm loving it here. It's beautiful" Cody replied, and you nodded agreeing with him. "Anything you're hoping to see while you're out here? Or anyone?" Alan asked, nudging Cody. "Well, actually, I am hoping I bump into Louis and Y/N. Does that happen often? I don't know. I just think they're awesome" Cody said and you smirked. "I suppose it could happen. Why them? You know we have models here, right?" Alan asked, and Louis let out a laugh. "Oh I know, I know. But I see their banter on twitter and them in interviews, and I've become a huge fan. They're funny and witty. I would love to meet them in person" Cody said, and Alan nodded. "Well, I have had the luxury of meeting them. They're brilliant. I'll have my people connect you with your people" Carr said, and you smiled. Louis tweeted at Cody, and they made plans for the three of you to go for lunch.

Zayn: "Keeping Up is on, come" you called to Zayn. He flopped his feet to the couch and smirked as he handed you the smaller bowl of popcorn. "Rude. Apparently this is the episode we're in. People have been tweeting me all day" you said, and Zayn nodded. "Hopefully something good, it would be a nice break" Zayn said, referencing the latest rumours and drama surrounding your relationship. People were talking about how Zayn was cheating, how you were moving out of the flat with him and other ridiculous stories. It would be nice to have some good. The show started and, in the first scene Kendall and Kylie were sitting at the table. "So, are you nervous to interview Zayn and Y/N for the vlog cause I am" Kylie said, and Kendall nodded. "Uh, duh, they're Zayn and Y/N" she said, and you smirked. Kylie and Kendall had started a vlog recently, interviewing their celebrity friends. You and Zayn were two of the first guests, and you remembered it being a lot of fun. "When are they coming to the studio?" Kendall asked, and Kylie looked at her phone. "Y/N texted me and said they were free after four and before nine" she said, and Kendall nodded. "Sweetest girl ever. I actually love Y/N" Kendall said, and you smiled. "She is really nice. And like, Zayn loves her so much. You can tell when we had those conference calls. I don't know , they just seem to really love each other" Kylie said. "I wonder if they could set us up with Niall and Louis" Kendall winked, and Kylie laughed. The scene ended, and you turned to Zayn. "I love you so much" you whispered, and he kissed your forehead. The next day, you called the girls and told them that you would be happy to go on their vlog any time.


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