two of the guys fight over you

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Liam & Zayn: "So, Liam, man...I need some advice," Zayn walks into the living room and Liam quickly shuts his laptop. "Yeah! Sure, anything. What's up?" He pats for Zayn to sit down next to him. "Well, you know (Y/N), right?" Liam gulps at the sound of your name. Of course he does. You've been mutual friends with all of the guys for the past few weeks, since you met at a meet and greet. You really hit it off with all of them. "Of course I do! She's lovely," Liam doesn't look Zayn in the eye. "Well, we've been texting for quite a while and we get on really well..." Zayn scratches his head and looks to his friend for advice. "Do you think she'd say yes to the movies this weekend? you think she likes me?" Liam shrugs his shoulders. "No! I mean..I don't, I don't know...when you walked in..." he pauses. "I was on skype with her...I was just about to invite her to dinner..." "So we both really like her, huh?" Zayn sighs and pats his friends shoulder. "How are we going to decide who gets her? I don't want to let a girl, no matter how special get between us, man." Liam nods. "Well, we shouldn't decide for her. She IS a person. How about we both ask her out and see who she picks, yeah?" Zayn nods and gives his friend a hug. "I'm glad I can always talk to you, man. No matter who she chooses, we're good. All right?"

Josh & Niall: "Give me the phone! Stop! Niall!" Josh tries to wrestle his phone out of Niall's hands. "No, man! You're gonna ask her out! But I want to! I want her!" Niall tosses Josh's phone and it lands on the rug a few feet away. The two of them continue wrestling, but Paul shoots them a death glare and they stop. "Why do you care so much, Niall?" Josh looks down at his hands with a serious tone to his voice. "She's nice and beautiful and smart..." Niall rattles off the reasons on his hands but sees his friends upset face. "Niall, can't I get the girl just this once? You're Niall Horan from One Direction. You can have ANY girl. Any one! But who am I? The drummer? You're the hot blonde and I'm just the guy playing the beat of the songs," Josh bites his lip and shakes his head. "I just..I felt a connection with her and just this one time. Can't I just ask her out first? Even if she says no, can I just have a chance at her? You always get the girl." Niall is surprised at how his normally cheerful friend has opened up to him and pats his shoulder. "Go ahead, man. I didn't know you felt that way..I'm sorry..." Niall picks up Josh's phone and hands it back to him. "Whether she says yes or no, Nosh for life, yeah?" he adds with a laugh. "Nosh for life," Josh gives his blonde friend a hug and goes to send you a text.

Louis & Harry: "No! I'm not settling this time, Harry!" Louis crosses his arms and shoots his curly haired friend a glare. He refuses to let Harry ask you out first, Harry knows Louis has had a crush on you for a while but Harry wants to make a move. "Why not, Louis? It's just one girl. Come on, don't be a jerk," Harry rolls his eyes. "You've been waiting for months and you've yet to make a move. So I will." Louis tries to hold back his anger but he snaps. "Why, Harry? So you can fuck her a couple times then dump her? I don't know about you, but when I have a girlfriend I actually want to spend time with her, not just screw around with her," Louis growls. Harry raises his eyebrows in surprised, a bit hurt and taken aback by his friends comment. "Why do you want to date her anyway? You need a new beard since Eleanor broke up with you?" Harry lashes back, but then regrets it. He knows how the fans calling him gay offends him, since it isn't true. "Shit, man. I didn't mean that..." Harry walks over to his good friend and gives him a hug. "I'm being such a dick..." Harry sighs. "She's yours. Just..make a move already before she gets away!" Louis nods and pats his friend's shoulder. "Thanks, man. I'm sorry what I said, too...I know you don't do that, it's're Harry Styles, you're the most well-known of us and stuff..." Louis trails off. Harry shrugs him off. "Now, go call her, Lou!" he hands Louis the phone with a smile and Louis dials your number.


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